Sunday, February 13, 2011

With No Republican Support, Democrats

 Intro Bill to Help Long-Term Unemployed 

Every week, 35,000 unemployed Americans reach 
the end of their insurance benefits without finding 
new jobs and join the ranks of a growing group 
of recession victims known as the “99ers

Wisconsin May Take an Ax to State Workers’

 Benefits and Their Unions -

First Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) announced a

 state budget plan that  strips state workers of nearly

 all their collective bargaining rights, cuts pay and

 benefit and says there will be no negotiations. 

Citing Wisconsin’s gaping budget shortfall for this year and 
even larger ones expected in the years ahead, Gov. Scott Walker
 proposed a sweeping plan on Friday to cut benefits for public employees
 in the state and to take away most of their unions’ ability to bargain.

Florida’s Unemployed Are Lazy Druggies, 

Say Republican and Business Leaders | 

All those unemployed citizens of Florida are the problem 
with the costs of unemployment insurance. They aren’t trying
 to get a job, and they may be drug addicts, according to 
Republican leaders and business lobbyists. This is the latest version
 of ‘blame the victim’ that’s gaining popularity.

Beyond Reason on the Budget -

After two years of raging at President Obama’s spending plans,
 House Republican leaders have finally revealed their real vision 
of small government: tens of billions in ideologically driven cuts
 to job training, environmental protection, disease control,
 crime protection and dozens of other critical functions that
 only the government can perform.

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