Friday, February 11, 2011

Wisconsin’s Walker Calls for End of Collective Bargaining

 Alerts National Guard

First Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) announced a state budget plan 
that  strips state workers of nearly all their collective bargaining rights,
 cuts pay and benefit and says there will be no negotiations.

Abraham Lincoln, Inflationist 

There was a time when Republicans used to refer to themselves,

 proudly, as “the party of Lincoln.” But you don’t hear that line

much these days

Lawmakers Oppose Federal Bailout for States

WASHINGTON — The new Republican-led House is showing
 no appetite for making federal taxpayers help state and local 
governments cope with widespread budget problems.
 Even some Democrats are wary, underscoring the impact 
of Washington's crushing budget deficits

Scott Shifts Budget Problems to Workers, Schools

Newly elected Gov. Rick Scott unveiled his budget proposal,
 and as expected, it was stunning in its disregard for middle-class 
state workers and public education — and in its generosity to
 businesses and kowtowing to the tea party.

Flagler on national list of most-stressed counties

PALM COAST -- Just a few years ago, Flagler County was at the top 
of the list of the nation's fastest-growing counties. Now the county
 has made another list, but it's one officials probably would have preferred to avoid.

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