Monday, February 7, 2011

n the News - local1010supportstaff

Union calls School Board bonuses to support staff 'insulting'

Empowerment high on agenda 

MIMS — Dozens of young black women and girls
 gathered under a tent at the Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore 
Memorial Park and shared their passions, 
their dreams and their goals.

New Study Uncovers Wage Theft and 

Workplace Abuse in the Garden State

The study shows just how flagrant worker exploitation
 in the informal economy has become: Nearly one in four workers
 reported being injured or assaulted on the job, and
 nearly 35 percent were abandoned by employers at a worksite

Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich: Allow states to declare


During the 2008 financial crisis, the federal government reacted
in a frantic, ad hoc fashion, tapping taxpayers for bailouts galore, 
running roughshod over the rights of bondholders 

Pillars of Parity vs. Axis of Unemployment |

the inequities and injustices that have remained, it has been In fact, throughout modern American history, despite 
through taxation, regulation and litigation that “average” citizens
 without benefit of wealth or status have been able to 
gain greater degrees of protection

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