Thursday, February 17, 2011

'Noles throw FSU's Fisher $950,000 pay raise 

The new five-year deal that runs until January 2016 is worth 
$13.75 million, nearly $5 million more than the five-year, 
$9 million contract Fisher signed a year ago.

Public Workers in Wisconsin Protest Plan to Cut Benefits 

MADISON, Wis. — As four game wardens awkwardly stood guard,
 protesters, scores deep, crushed into a corridor leading to the
 governor’s office here on Wednesday, their screams echoing
 through the Capitol: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Protest Greets 'Hosni Walker's' Attack on

 Wisconsin Workers 

More than 15,000 people, including public employees, union activists
 and community supporters, jammed into the Capitol Square in Madison, Wis.,
 yesterday to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) plan to strip away
 state workers’ rights and decimate family-supporting middle-class jobs

School employee Unions Cry Foul

 Gov. Rick Scott announced his proposed budget last week,
 the unions that represents school employees are crying foul

Disney unions reach deal

What a Deal! Will the "bonus" be in Disney gift cards.

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