Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Under Scott's budget, Space Florida takes $21M hit 

CAPE CANAVERAL — Funding for Space Florida to improve infrastructure 
and offer incentives to help lure business to the area would drop
 significantly under Gov. Rick Scott's proposed budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year.

Titusville considers using inmate workers 

TITUSVILLE — Looking to trim its payroll costs and save taxpayers money, 
the Titusville City Council on Tuesday debated -- but held off on -- 
a contract to use inmate crews to maintain the landscaping 
along four major roads in the city.

Lawmakers come up with more zany gun laws 

Nebraska has a bill pending that would allow public school
 teachers and administrators to gun up.

f you overlook the lies, Scott's budget is interesting 

After spending more than 24 hours studying Rick Scott's
 budget proposal, one thing is clear: Rick Scott lied.

Scott Shifts Budget Problems to Workers, Schools 

Newly elected Gov. Rick Scott unveiled his budget proposal, and
 as expected, it was stunning in its disregard for middle-class
 state workers and public education — and in its generosity to
 businesses and kowtowing to the tea party.

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