Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anois tá an t-am (Now is the time)
 Live events 
Planning meeting for Awake the State Action in Brevard
DEC Office
1103 Hibiscus Blvd Suite 402
Melbourne, Florida 32901 
Thursday 24 February 7PM
Fl. rep Tobia/Workman Town Hall Meeting
28 February 1 PM session and 6PM session
Palm Bay City Hall
120 Malabar Rd.
Palm Bay, Fl.
That's right the same ground that we stood on fighting for
the pension justice for our brother and sister fire fighter,
How long must we sing this song- until victory is ours!

March 8 at 5:30pm at Senator Beth Johnson Park 
(adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce), 
Orlando, FL
Parking available in hotel parking garage across the street, as well as nearby street parking.
IBEW 606 will be Marching from their Hall on Virginia Ave to this rally. I could use some confirmation
of this from 606.

Awake the State on March 8 - Tampa Tuesday, March 8 · 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Location TBD (but likely Curtis Hixson or Gaslight Park)
Tampa, FL

On line events
Conference call
Tony Fransetta, Pres. FLARA
Sat. 26 February 10 am
 Many groups and a needed action are in line.
 There will be a very big rally on Tally the 2nd week of
session.  There is a conference call set up for all to join
in this Sat. at 10 am.  Here is the call in number.
866 285-7778  passcode 6180203 #.  Nancy Argenziano
will be administrating the call.
At this event it is expected there will be sheriffs,
corrections officers, firefighters, nursing homes
advocates, SEIU, AFSCME state workers, water activists
 and PSC reformers.  FLARA will be an active participant.
 Please call in Sat if you can

Jobs with Justice March 2nd Day of Action For the past weeks we have seen students, workers, faith and community 
come together and prevent attacks to the public sector across the country. 
These attacks are threatening the basic structures of our society, 
including the right to an education and the right to full and fair employment.
It is time to take action and demand a stop to the cuts! Sierra Club: Stand With Unions and Sign The Petition! Hard hats and tree huggers share fundamental values --including the right to safe and healthy
working conditions and the creation of good clean energy jobs. Take a stand by adding 
your name to the petition: "I stand with working families. We deserve the right to form unions 
as we see fit to protect our jobs and our communities."

Articles of interest
Florida Tech flight instructors vote to join union |
Florida Tech flight instructors voted Wednesday to join a union, 
a move that they believe will address unfair pay and benefit policies.

Please help the Cause and distribute these events by any means at your disposal.


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