Thursday, February 24, 2011

Anois tá an t-am (Now is the time)
 Live events 
Planning meeting for Awake the State Action in Brevard
DEC Office
1103 Hibiscus Blvd Suite 402
Melbourne, Florida 32901 
Thursday 24 February 7PM
Fl. rep Tobia/Workman Town Hall Meeting
28 February 1 PM session and 6PM session
Palm Bay City Hall
120 Malabar Rd.
Palm Bay, Fl.
That's right the same ground that we stood on fighting for
the pension justice for our brother and sister fire fighter,
How long must we sing this song- until victory is ours!

March 8 at 5:30pm at Senator Beth Johnson Park 
(adjacent to the Chamber of Commerce), 
Orlando, FL
Parking available in hotel parking garage across the street, as well as nearby street parking.
IBEW 606 will be Marching from their Hall on Virginia Ave to this rally. I could use some confirmation
of this from 606.

Awake the State on March 8 - Tampa Tuesday, March 8 · 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Location TBD (but likely Curtis Hixson or Gaslight Park)
Tampa, FL

On line events
Conference call
Tony Fransetta, Pres. FLARA
Sat. 26 February 10 am
 Many groups and a needed action are in line.
 There will be a very big rally on Tally the 2nd week of
session.  There is a conference call set up for all to join
in this Sat. at 10 am.  Here is the call in number.
866 285-7778  passcode 6180203 #.  Nancy Argenziano
will be administrating the call.
At this event it is expected there will be sheriffs,
corrections officers, firefighters, nursing homes
advocates, SEIU, AFSCME state workers, water activists
 and PSC reformers.  FLARA will be an active participant.
 Please call in Sat if you can

Jobs with Justice March 2nd Day of Action For the past weeks we have seen students, workers, faith and community 
come together and prevent attacks to the public sector across the country. 
These attacks are threatening the basic structures of our society, 
including the right to an education and the right to full and fair employment.
It is time to take action and demand a stop to the cuts! Sierra Club: Stand With Unions and Sign The Petition! Hard hats and tree huggers share fundamental values --including the right to safe and healthy
working conditions and the creation of good clean energy jobs. Take a stand by adding 
your name to the petition: "I stand with working families. We deserve the right to form unions 
as we see fit to protect our jobs and our communities."

Articles of interest
Florida Tech flight instructors vote to join union |
Florida Tech flight instructors voted Wednesday to join a union, 
a move that they believe will address unfair pay and benefit policies.

Please help the Cause and distribute these events by any means at your disposal.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

'Noles throw FSU's Fisher $950,000 pay raise 

The new five-year deal that runs until January 2016 is worth 
$13.75 million, nearly $5 million more than the five-year, 
$9 million contract Fisher signed a year ago.

Public Workers in Wisconsin Protest Plan to Cut Benefits 

MADISON, Wis. — As four game wardens awkwardly stood guard,
 protesters, scores deep, crushed into a corridor leading to the
 governor’s office here on Wednesday, their screams echoing
 through the Capitol: “Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Protest Greets 'Hosni Walker's' Attack on

 Wisconsin Workers 

More than 15,000 people, including public employees, union activists
 and community supporters, jammed into the Capitol Square in Madison, Wis.,
 yesterday to protest Gov. Scott Walker’s (R) plan to strip away
 state workers’ rights and decimate family-supporting middle-class jobs

School employee Unions Cry Foul

 Gov. Rick Scott announced his proposed budget last week,
 the unions that represents school employees are crying foul

Disney unions reach deal

What a Deal! Will the "bonus" be in Disney gift cards.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

With No Republican Support, Democrats

 Intro Bill to Help Long-Term Unemployed 

Every week, 35,000 unemployed Americans reach 
the end of their insurance benefits without finding 
new jobs and join the ranks of a growing group 
of recession victims known as the “99ers

Wisconsin May Take an Ax to State Workers’

 Benefits and Their Unions -

First Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) announced a

 state budget plan that  strips state workers of nearly

 all their collective bargaining rights, cuts pay and

 benefit and says there will be no negotiations. 

Citing Wisconsin’s gaping budget shortfall for this year and 
even larger ones expected in the years ahead, Gov. Scott Walker
 proposed a sweeping plan on Friday to cut benefits for public employees
 in the state and to take away most of their unions’ ability to bargain.

Florida’s Unemployed Are Lazy Druggies, 

Say Republican and Business Leaders | 

All those unemployed citizens of Florida are the problem 
with the costs of unemployment insurance. They aren’t trying
 to get a job, and they may be drug addicts, according to 
Republican leaders and business lobbyists. This is the latest version
 of ‘blame the victim’ that’s gaining popularity.

Beyond Reason on the Budget -

After two years of raging at President Obama’s spending plans,
 House Republican leaders have finally revealed their real vision 
of small government: tens of billions in ideologically driven cuts
 to job training, environmental protection, disease control,
 crime protection and dozens of other critical functions that
 only the government can perform.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Wisconsin’s Walker Calls for End of Collective Bargaining

 Alerts National Guard

First Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) announced a state budget plan 
that  strips state workers of nearly all their collective bargaining rights,
 cuts pay and benefit and says there will be no negotiations.

Abraham Lincoln, Inflationist 

There was a time when Republicans used to refer to themselves,

 proudly, as “the party of Lincoln.” But you don’t hear that line

much these days

Lawmakers Oppose Federal Bailout for States

WASHINGTON — The new Republican-led House is showing
 no appetite for making federal taxpayers help state and local 
governments cope with widespread budget problems.
 Even some Democrats are wary, underscoring the impact 
of Washington's crushing budget deficits

Scott Shifts Budget Problems to Workers, Schools

Newly elected Gov. Rick Scott unveiled his budget proposal,
 and as expected, it was stunning in its disregard for middle-class 
state workers and public education — and in its generosity to
 businesses and kowtowing to the tea party.

Flagler on national list of most-stressed counties

PALM COAST -- Just a few years ago, Flagler County was at the top 
of the list of the nation's fastest-growing counties. Now the county
 has made another list, but it's one officials probably would have preferred to avoid.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Under Scott's budget, Space Florida takes $21M hit 

CAPE CANAVERAL — Funding for Space Florida to improve infrastructure 
and offer incentives to help lure business to the area would drop
 significantly under Gov. Rick Scott's proposed budget for the 2011-12 fiscal year.

Titusville considers using inmate workers 

TITUSVILLE — Looking to trim its payroll costs and save taxpayers money, 
the Titusville City Council on Tuesday debated -- but held off on -- 
a contract to use inmate crews to maintain the landscaping 
along four major roads in the city.

Lawmakers come up with more zany gun laws 

Nebraska has a bill pending that would allow public school
 teachers and administrators to gun up.

f you overlook the lies, Scott's budget is interesting 

After spending more than 24 hours studying Rick Scott's
 budget proposal, one thing is clear: Rick Scott lied.

Scott Shifts Budget Problems to Workers, Schools 

Newly elected Gov. Rick Scott unveiled his budget proposal, and
 as expected, it was stunning in its disregard for middle-class
 state workers and public education — and in its generosity to
 businesses and kowtowing to the tea party.

Monday, February 7, 2011

n the News - local1010supportstaff

Union calls School Board bonuses to support staff 'insulting'

Empowerment high on agenda 

MIMS — Dozens of young black women and girls
 gathered under a tent at the Harry T. and Harriette V. Moore 
Memorial Park and shared their passions, 
their dreams and their goals.

New Study Uncovers Wage Theft and 

Workplace Abuse in the Garden State

The study shows just how flagrant worker exploitation
 in the informal economy has become: Nearly one in four workers
 reported being injured or assaulted on the job, and
 nearly 35 percent were abandoned by employers at a worksite

Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich: Allow states to declare


During the 2008 financial crisis, the federal government reacted
in a frantic, ad hoc fashion, tapping taxpayers for bailouts galore, 
running roughshod over the rights of bondholders 

Pillars of Parity vs. Axis of Unemployment |

the inequities and injustices that have remained, it has been In fact, throughout modern American history, despite 
through taxation, regulation and litigation that “average” citizens
 without benefit of wealth or status have been able to 
gain greater degrees of protection

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fishermen fight proposed bass ban 

— Tempers flared Tuesday at a hearing about a 
proposed federal ban on recreational sea bass 
fishing that would run from Feb. 12 to June 1

Brevard can't count on charter schools 

Tallahassee's latest push for school reform has
 generated new hype about old ideas -- namely charter
 schools and vouchers that let the money follow students' choices.

Gov. Rick Scott puts SunRail on full stop 

Gov. Rick Scott has slammed the brakes on Central Florida's
 $1.2 billion SunRail project, putting a hold on 
$235 million in project contracts

Hard-Knock (Hardly Acknowledged) Life 

It was only the second time since Harry S. Truman’s 
State of the Union address in 1948 that such a speech
 by a Democratic president did not include a single 
mention of poverty or the plight of the poor.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Third Economic Revolution 

Sadly, this is simply the latest in a series  of American leaders 
failing to choose to change  and maybe make history,

Wall Street Pay Broke Record Last Year

Even as the real economy limped, financial firms paid employees
 a record sum last year,. In 2009, average wages  fell 1.5 percent 

Sale of Back-Office Operations Turns Sour for Investors

Early in 2010, the back-office processing operations of Mr. Stern’s law firm 
were converted into a publicly traded company . Mr. Stern pocketed nearly $60 million 

Florida GOP differ on Miami-Dade wage theft ordinance 

 Natacha Seijas, a supporter of the Miami-Dade county wage theft ordinance 
proclaimed  a Day Against Wage Theft. Republican state
 Rep. Tom Goodson of Titusville filed a bill that would preempt
any local wage theft ordinance.

UF Senate passes resolution calling on Publix to meet with tomato pickers 

The University of Florida Student Senate approved legislation last week calling on Publix to meet with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in an attempt to pressure the state’s largest supermarket chain