Monday, December 28, 2009

Think Progress » Republicans Who Opposed The Stimulus Continue To Pan It As A ‘Failure,’ While Also Taking Credit For Its Success Every Republican in the House and nearly every Republican Senator voted against the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (also known as the stimulus). Although the Congressional Budget Office has credited the stimulus with creating up to 1.6 million jobs, the same GOP politicians who opposed the stimulus have attempted to justify their opposition to the policy by smearing it as a failure. But as ThinkProgress has documented, the same politicians are returning to their districts to take credit for the economic success of the stimulus.
FOX News: Best year yet: The Swamp It's been a good year for FOX News: For many of its news and opinion shows, the best year yet. It may help the already No. 1-rated cable news channel to have a Democratic White House declare war -- or at least have the spokesmen and women of the Obama administration maintaining, as they did at one point this year
Orlando Sentinel - Central Florida Political Pulse – Florida Chief Justice issues foreclosure ‘mediation’ order TALLAHASSEE — Facing the nation’s worst foreclosure crisis, Florida Supreme Court Chief Justice Peggy Quince has Ok’d recommendations from a panel of experts to order foreclosure cases into a new “managed mediation” program where debtors could try to negotiate their way out of losing their homes.
Robert Reich's Blog: 2009: The Year Wall Street Bounced Back and Main Street Got Shafted In less than a year, Wall Street was back. The five largest remaining banks are today larger, their executives and traders richer, their strategies of placing large bets with other people's money no less bold than before the meltdown.
Starbucks Union | IWW Starbucks Workers Union Steamed Baristas Shut Down Fort Worth Starbucks Drive-Thru, Demand Affordable Healthcare and Paid Sick Days for those with H1N1

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