Monday, December 14, 2009

14 DEC 09

Danish police arrest 1,225 protesters - - COPENHAGEN — As heads of state begin arriving for climate talks in Copenhagen, jittery police have arrested 1,225 people during two days of demonstrations in the Danish capital, prompting criticism from activists and the press.

Paul Cottle: Being 'last in the nation' won't spark innovation Tallahassee Democrat Florida students are pretty much last in the nation for science."

Water shortage: South Florida water fights resurface with dry weather -- South Florida A return to dry weather is reigniting long-smoldering South Florida water fights, worsened by new strains on backup supplies that leave less water to go around.

Don't fall for it -- Entrenched Florida politicians and their special interest allies in Tallahassee and Washington, D.C., are getting nervous about a pair of proposals that could weaken their grip on power.

McCollum, Sink spar for control of Florida's investments, pension funds -- TALLAHASSEE The fallout from the 2007 meltdown of Florida's Local Government Investment Pool is leaching into the political campaigns of two of the fund's trustees.

Michael Peltier: Conservative groups targets GOP rail backers» Naples Daily News TALLAHASSEE — When lawmakers successfully passed legislation last week that could bring more commuter and high speed rail to the state, 80 Republicans climbed aboard. Now conservative “Tea Party” activists who think the rail legislation amounts to a government-sponsored boondoggle say come election time, some of those GOP lawmakers may pay the price.

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