Sunday, December 27, 2009

Orlando Sentinel - Central Florida Political Pulse – Resident flight means just 1 new congressional seat for Florida

Newly crunched population data shows the recent slowdown of Florida’s population growth — the state either lost population in the past year, or gained about 100,000 people, depending on who’s counting — could keep it from picking up the two additional congressional seats that had been forecast for the next decade.
WSLC Online -- 2009 Resolutions

Still Nervous, Many Businesses Are Hiring Temporary Workers -
The hiring of temporary workers has surged, suggesting that the nation’s employers might soon take the next step, bringing on permanent workers, if they can just convince themselves that the upturn in the economy will be sustained
Think Progress » Health Insurance Industry Registers Its Disapproval Of Senate Health Care Bill
In the New York Times today, Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman writes in defense of the Senate health care bill. “[F]or all its flaws and limitations, it’s a great achievement,” he says. “It will provide real, concrete help to tens of millions of Americans and greater security to everyone.” But the health insurance industry and business lobbyists weren’t quite as joyous in their reaction.
In Cleveland, Worker Co-Ops Look to a Spanish Model - TIME

While officials, pundits and the everyday folks who have to pay bills lament unemployment rates that won't go down and wages that won't go up, some Rust Belt planners and union leaders are feeling optimistic: they're taking inspiration from the Basque region of Spain, where a network of worker-owned cooperatives launched amid the rubble of the Spanish Civil War has grown to become the country's seventh-largest corporation, and among its most profitable
UCF loses to Rutgers in St Petersburg bowl | | FLORIDA TODAY

ST. PETERSBURG — The UCF Knights got to sit at the adult table Saturday night, the plate in front of them full of everything they desire.
Do It Yourself: Building Your Own Bamboo Bike : NPR

The Bamboo Bike Studio is run by three men in their late 20s who know a lot about bamboo and a lot about bicycles. On a cool autumn morning, two of them are out on a bamboo harvest — in a dense grove near New Brunswick, N.J.

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