Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Think Progress » Gingrich: Obama cares more about ‘protecting the rights of terrorists’ than the ‘lives of Americans.’ The right wing’s response to the failed underwear bomber has been all too predictable — accusing liberals of being anti-patriotic and calling for greater ethnic profiling of Muslims, while ignoring the Bush administration’s failure to prevent terrorist attacks, catch Osama bin Laden, or distinguish real threats from imagined ones
Another Statistic | The Rick Smith Show
I am one of those workers. I have spent the last 16 years working for Roadway Express and it illegitimate spawn YRC. I knew back in 2003, when Yellow Freight, the nation’s number #2 LTL carrier at the time purchased number #1 Roadway Express, that my days were numbered. Yellow Freight had a big reputation of buying up profitable companies (Preston immediately comes to mind) bleeding them dry and cutting them off to die destroying numerous decent family sustaining jobs in the process.

Labor News Headlines December 30, 2009
Pennsylvania Supremes Hand Workers A Win
Big UFCW Organizing Election Coming In January
Teamsters Try To Salvage Car-Hauling Jobs –
South Africa Coke Workers Stick To Their Guns On Raise Demand –
Economic Report: U.S. Manufacturing Jobs Decline Projected To Continue –

WIN Looks Back At A Year Of Massive Jobs Loss As Workers And Unions Struggle For Change - 12/31/09Immense
economic pain was inflicted upon millions of U.S. workers and their families in 2009 as Wall Street banks were bailed out with hundreds of billions of dollars. The banksters quickly returned to their old greedy ways. AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka led a protest at the banker’s convention in Chicago.

TSA leadership vacuum: Case of politics Think of it as FEMA in the middle of hurricane season without a FEMA director: the Transportation Safety Administration in high terrorism season without a TSA director

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