Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Promising new jobs, Crist to sign rail bill | | Star-Banner | Ocala, FL
TALLAHASSEE - Gov. Charlie Crist, citing the prospect of "jobs, jobs, jobs," today will sign into law a sweeping measure meant to put in place the framework for a statewide rail system that will one day crisscross the state
DOT's "Wafflegate" needs a closer look -- South Florida
For all the good it promises, the rail legislation approved last week by the Legislature smacked of a sweetheart deal. Now there's controversy to back up that suspicion — roughly 8,000 e-mails between CSX officials and Florida Department of Transportation top administrators have come to light suggesting the freight line had a major role in crafting the bill.
Angry liberals: Why didn't Obama fight? - -
More than anything else in Barack Obama’s presidency so far, health reform has exposed a get-a-deal-at-any-cost side of Obama that infuriates his party’s progressives
House Dems: Senate is 'dithering' - -
House Democrats’ long-simmering frustration with the slow pace of the Senate has begun to boil over, with a broad swath of Democratic representatives accusing their Senate colleagues of failing both their party and their country
Florida likely voters have mixed opinion of President’s health reform proposal but majority hold favorable opinion of President; GOP leads generic Congressional ballot
Dozens rally in Orlando against health care legislation --
As President Barack Obama called Senate Democrats to the White House Tuesday to solidify support for health care reform, groups opposed to the legislation met in Orlando and in cities throughout the country for a "senate emergency rally."
Jobless Floridians encounter delays in getting extended unemployment benefits - St. Petersburg Times
Nearly six weeks after President Barack Obama extended unemployment benefits in hard-hit states like Florida, Janet Husted of St. Petersburg is still waiting for her first check
Brevard Commission OKs 13K new homes | | FLORIDA TODAY
Developers can create new communities containing more than 13,300 homes across 36 square miles of Space Coast woodland and cattle pasture, the Brevard County Commission ruled Tuesday
Organizing for America | | Join the team for the final push
Video about Organizing for America
Organizing for America | Event | Brevard Rapid Response Phonebank: Make your voice heard by ringing for reform!
Please come out and help to make your voice and the voice of Floridians across the state heard as we head into a critical moment in the fight for health insurance reform! As the debate around health insurance reform continues in the Senate,

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