Monday, June 29, 2009

Death by Bipartisanship
Health care reform is wildly popular. Three separate polls show over 70% of Americans favor a public insurance plan. Remarkably, the majority of us are even willing to pay higher taxes to provide health insurance for our uninsured compatriots.

The next FDR or the next Hoover? It would be hard to imagine Barack Obama acting like FDR did at the height of the New Deal. But then again, Obama doesn't face a mobilized and militant working class.

Take Action: Tell Congress: Wells Fargo is a Roadblock to Recovery Desperate for cash, Wells Fargo got $25 billion from US taxpayers to keep it open. The deal was simple: use our money to stay in business and help other businesses through the recession, too. Jobs would be saved and we'd all be on the road to economic recovery.

Ludlow Massacre Site Dedicated as National Landmark Today, Mine Workers (UMWA) leaders, union activists, lawmakers and historians will dedicate the site of the 1914 Ludlow Massacre—one of the bloodiest chapters in the nation’s labor history—as a National Historic Landmark.

IBEW, OPEIU Members Honored at Labor College Graduation Among the 103 union members who received their college degrees in ceremonies at the National Labor College (NLC) today, two were singled out for special recognition.
Growth amendment fuels opponents' angst
Florida's Realtors, home builders and developers have some business decisions to make this fall as they ponder the next phase of a fight over development in the state

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