Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hurricane foreclosure
Hurricane foreclosure Does Mother Nature have a sense of black humor or is she just out for some bloody-minded revenge? The Associated Press' Tamara Lush is reporting that "some of the areas most likely to be struck by a hurricane are suffering the most in this recession."

An Overlooked Player in the Anti-Regulatory Movement
Our regular readers are no doubt familiar with the efforts of various industries to protect their particular products from regulation. These industries (and the organizations they fund) often succeed in weakening or delaying regulations intended to protect people from climate change, tobacco, and other hazards.

The Future of Manufacturing, GM, and American Workers (Part III)
As president of General Motors when Eisenhower tapped him to become secretary of defense in 1953, “Engine Charlie” Wilson voiced at his Senate confirmation hearing what was then the conventional view. When asked whether he could make a decision in the interest of the US that was adverse to the interest of GM, he said he could.

Mitt Romney's First Campaign Speech Against Obama
Will it ever end? Probably not. Once again a Republican presidential hopeful is accusing a Democrat of being soft on (what else?) national security

Don't count on stadiums to generate jobs, wealth
So Palm Bay has appointed a committee to explore building a minor-league baseball stadium for $3 million or more.

How Do We Build an Enduring Progressive Voting Majority?
At the America’s Future Now conference, nearly all of us are focused on one Big Picture question: How can we build on the progressive election victories of 2008 so we can make long-lasting change that improves people’s lives?

Reagan Did It
“This bill is the most important legislation for financial institutions in the last 50 years. It provides a long-term solution for troubled thrift institutions. ...

A continuing steep drop in home prices combined with rising unemployment is powering a new wave of foreclosures. Unfortunately, there’s little evidence, so far, that the Obama administration’s anti-foreclosure plan will be able to stop it.

Labor and Government Adjust to Roles as G.M. Owners
For decades, the United Automobile Workers had a simple strategy for getting what it wanted from the carmakers — it would go on strike. The tactic proved so successful that the mere threat of a walkout often won better wages, benefits and job security.

Senators Set to Visit White House to Discuss Health Care Overhaul
WASHINGTON — President Obama will meet with influential Senate Democrats on Tuesday to discuss overhauling health care, as the White House releases a report asserting that revamping the system would increase the income of a typical family of four by $2,600 in 2020, and by $10,000 in 2030.

Draft minutes of Brevard County Commission meeting

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