Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chamber defends free market system
As the Obama administration encroaches deeper into the private sector and Congress contemplates more regulations, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is launching a multimillion-dollar campaign to defend the free market system.

Take Action Support the Progressive Caucus's line in the sand
Support the Progressive Caucus's line in the sand Opponents of health care reform know that a public health insurance option is now likely to be part of any final legislation.

Take action Organizing for Health Care Action Center
Sign the declaration of support and tell Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009. I support President Obama's three principles for real health care reform, and I call on Congress to enact a plan upholding them in 2009

Healthcare Reform Proposals Taking Shape
The last time we had a major health reform proposal was the Clinton administration, and it didn’t go well. Ezra Klein explains the reasons: Instead of bringing members of Congress and stakeholders into the process early, the administration drafted a detailed proposal and then presented it to Congress. Those in favor of reform failed to mount a coordinated campaign for it, while the Republicans, guided by a memo from William Kristol, united in opposition against it and ruled out compromise. And even before the administration presented its plan, the health-insurance industry was spreading fear to the public with the notorious "Harry and Louise" ad.
Watching Out for the Details in Healthcare, and How Hard the White House Pushes for Them
In an interesting piece in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, Matt Bai suggests that the White House has learned the main lesson of Bill Clinton's failed attempt at universal health care, which is not to deliver a finished product to Congress but instead give Congress a set of goals and let it decide how to reach them.
Florida Democrats go after Kosmas challenger
Diebel's campaign manager, Phil Vangelakos, said she was traveling on business but would sit down with the Sentinel this week to discuss her campaign. He said the attacks by the Democrats are baseless.

Labor protesters target Dyer event
It was supposed to be a good-news event for Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer today, but a small group of protesters tried to spoil the fun.

Take action Urge Sen. Nelson To Keep Up The Fight Against Big Oil
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee caved to Big Oil, voting to allow oil drilling off Florida's coast. Sen. Nelson has vowed to fight the committee's decision, and we need to stand with him.

Taxpayer bill for SunRail already more than $60 million
Florida lawmakers this spring voted to kill Central Florida’s planned commuter-rail system, but state contractors still made nearly $44 million on the deal.

Right-Wingers To Boycott GM?
The Detroit Bureau reports that an idea seems to be picking up some cachet on the right-wing blogs and in talk radio: Fighting the "Government Motors" bailout by boycotting the company. Most of it so far is limited to relatively little-known writers, but two big names have picked up on it: Hugh Hewitt, who wants to save free enterprise -- and Rush Limbaugh, who wants anything President Obama does to fail, and is urging his listeners to help push towards that goal.

10 Large Banks Allowed to Exit U.S. Aid Program
The Obama administration marked with little fanfare a major milestone in its bank rescue effort — its decision on Tuesday to let 10 big banks repay federal aid that had sustained them through the worst of the crisis — as policy makers and industry executives focused on the challenges still before them.

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