Friday, June 5, 2009

Just a few on Twitter do all the tweeting: study
BOSTON (Reuters) - A tiny fraction of those who use the fast-growing social network phenomenon Twitter generate nearly all the content, a Harvard study shows.

Ex-Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo Charged With Fraud
The Securities & Exchange Commission announced today it will charge former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo and two others with civil fraud and insider trading, making Mozilo the most high-profile individual to face federal charges in the wake of the financial crisis.

Why Wal-Mart Hirings Do Not Help U.S. Economy
Reuters reported Thursday morning that Wal-Mart will hire an additional 22,000 individuals to staff its voluminous stores. Certainly, in this time of mounting job losses, a job at Wal-Mart is better than nothing as everyone has bills to pay.

How the other 0.00000003 percent lives
Adam Turl examines the lives of the 10 richest people in the U.S.--and uncovers a rogue's gallery of serial polluters, budget-slashers, CIA contractors, union-busters and right-wing nuts.

Animation: Why Americans Need Health Reform

Has Sotomayor written that states have the power to ban handguns?
Has Sotomayor written that states have the power to ban handguns?

The Hardest Jobs to Fill in America
For the second year in a row, engineer is the hardest job to fill in America. Why are engineers so hard to find? "We have whole generations of people loving liberal arts, not going into science and math," says Larry Jacobson, executive director of the National Society of Professional Engineers

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