Thursday, July 2, 2009

Will the health care bosses get their way?
WARNING: THE federal government is poised to commit robbery. And the poor, defenseless victim is...the health insurance industry.

- A Win for Bank Customers - In the Bush years, federal regulators not only failed to protect borrowers, they aggressively prevented the states from doing it. New York’s attorney general sued, challenging the regulators’ interference. This week, the Supreme Court ruled that federal regulators cannot prevent the states from enforcing consumer protection and fair lending laws against national banks.

What’s So Super About a Supermajority? -
WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats are about to reach the magical threshold of 60 votes, allowing them in theory to sweep aside Republican delaying tactics. But the arrival of that 60th vote, in the person of Al Franken of Minnesota, is not likely to make the party’s very real difficulties in advancing contentious legislation disappear.

Stimulus or Not, States Are Cutting Summer School
COCOA, Fla. — A year ago, the Brevard County Schools ran a robust summer program here, with dozens of schools bustling with teachers and some 14,000 children practicing multiplication, reading Harry Potter and studying Spanish verbs, all at no cost to parents

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