Friday, April 24, 2009

Sorry, county may be closed on Fridays
VIERA -- Brevard County officials may close most of their facilities on Fridays to save money during tough economic times.
New Job Safety Bill, Workers Memorial Day Events at Labor Dept., Labor College
Fantastic news from Congress this week as we move closer to commemorating Workers Memorial Day on April 28. A new bill, the Protecting America’s Workers Act (H.R. 2067), introduced yesterday, will strengthen and modernize the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Holding Up the Housing Recovery
We welcomed President Obama’s plan, unveiled in March, to head off foreclosures and keep more Americans in their homes, but we feared that it wouldn’t be enough. We were particularly concerned that without a reform of the bankruptcy code, lenders wouldn’t do enough to voluntarily modify troubled loans.
Industry Ignored Its Scientists on Climate
For more than a decade the Global Climate Coalition, a group representing industries with profits tied to fossil fuels, led an aggressive lobbying and public relations campaign against the idea that emissions of heat-trapping gases could lead to global warming.
U.S. Tells Chrysler to Prepare for Bankruptcy Filing -
DETROIT — The Treasury Department is directing Chrysler to prepare a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing as soon as next week, people with direct knowledge of the talks said Thursday.
Seven Questions About Green Jobs
1. What is a green job? 2. Are green jobs low-paying jobs? 3. Do gains in green jobs cause net job losses? 4. Do green jobs drive up energy bills? 5. Are green jobs just government-subsidized jobs? 6. Do green jobs mean picking technology winners? 7. Will green jobs interfere with our trade policy?
Household Wealth in Freefall
Family wealth in the United States continues to take a beating as its housing market and financial markets suffer from the 16-month-and-running Bush recession. Household wealth in our country dropped sharply after reaching an $81 trillion peak in June 2007. By the end of December 2008—the last full quarter for which data are available and one full year into the current recession—about $15 trillion in private family wealth had evaporated.
Plutocrats 1, Workers 0
Millions of people looked forward to Barack Obama's presidency with a sense of pride and hope. But Obama's first 100 days have raised critical questions about the limits of what we can expect from a Democrat in the White House--and what it will take to get the change we want.
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