Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fake Teabaggers Are Anti-Spend, Anti-Government: Real Populists Want to Stop Banks from Plundering America
The tea parties are AstroTurf -- fake grassroots. But there is a real movement growing against corporate greed and government malfeasance.

Ron Paul's plan to fend off pirates
A little-known congressional power could help the federal government keep the Somali pirates in check — and possibly do it for a discount price. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and a growing number of national security experts are calling on Congress to consider using letters of marque and reprisal, a power written into the Constitution that allows the United States to hire private citizens to keep international waters safe

Party of the (rich) people
The Democrats are making the running to be big capital's favorite political party again.

Melbourne offers some workers buyouts, furloughs
The city will offer buyouts and voluntary furloughs to employees to cope with declining revenue. The Melbourne City Council approved the measure that is aimed at 16 to 20 full-time positions. The 5-2 vote came late Tuesday after nearly an hour of discussion.

Local area Chamber of Commerce seeks local legislators' help in opposing EFCA
Hoping to increase support in their fight against union organizing, the Marysville/Tulalip Chamber of Commerce today sent an email to state legislators in Olympia asking them to sign a US Chamber of Commerce petition in opposition of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) currently being debated in Washington D.C. The act, also know as "card check" would offer employees, as an option to secret ballot elections, the opportunity to form a union by simply signing a form stating their preference to organize their workplace.

Executive PayWatch: CEO Perks Rise as Workers’ Wages, Jobs Wilt
Even as the U.S. economy went into a tailspin, the median salary for CEOs of 200 large corporations increased by 4.5 percent to $1.08 million. On top of that, these corporations keep plying executives with generous freebies, despite the public outcry over private jets and other executive perks

Consumer prices fall as energy demand slumps
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer prices fell unexpectedly in March and recorded their first annual drop since 1955, government data showed on Wednesday, as slumping demand pushed down energy and food costs.

Fiat CEO warns Chrysler unions: cut costs or we walk
MILAN (Reuters) - Fiat SpA's chief executive, facing a two-week deadline to work out a partnership with Chrysler LLC, warned the troubled U.S. carmaker's unions he would ditch the idea unless they agreed to cut labor costs.

FreedomWorks' Long History Of Teabagging
We haven't written much about the Tea Party Movement, because it's always seemed fairly blown out of proportion. Conservatives compare it to an anti-tax version of the Iraq war protests, but those protests drew scores of thousands of people into the streets and the "tea parties" that have occurred thus far haven't been nearly that large

Employee Free Choice Act- THOMAS (Library of Congress)

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