Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 APR 09
Arlen Specter Switching Parties From Republican To Democrat
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) is becoming a Democrat. "I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary," said Specter in a statement. "I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election."

Unions See Specter Opening, Dangle Electoral Help For EFCA Vote
With poll numbers showing Sen. Arlen Specter in dangerous electoral water, union officials have begun presenting what amounts to a "get-out-of-jail-free" card for the Pennsylvania Republican: Recant your opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act, pledge to support the labor-backed bill, and we might be able to carry you to reelection

Take Action: Tell President Obama's Auto Industry Task Force to stand up for workers!
Congress and the Treasury Department handed out billions to keep banks solvent with no strings attached, even shrugging off obscene bonuses out of "respect for the sanctity of contracts." Yet the same Treasury officials insist that help to the auto industry requires workers to tear up their contracts, give up pay and retirement security.

Union Activist Appointed to Labor Department
Washington - President Barack Obama has appointed a key union activist as senior adviser to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, another sign of the influence that organized labor wields in the Obama administration

Wall Street pay returning to its normal stratospheric levels
US banks can currently borrow at close to zero from the Fed and easily make a profit. So Wall Street pay is returning to its normal stratospheric levels.

Workers Walk the Plank
I’m sure everyone is thrilled to know that the high rollers on Wall Street are bouncing back. With profits on the rebound, the big shots at the biggest institutions are on track, as The Times reported Sunday, to make as much money this year as they were hauling in before the mega-recession began

Democrats Announce Agreement on Budget Pact
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congressional Democrats sealed an agreement Monday night on a budget plan that would help President Barack Obama overhaul the health care system but allows his signature tax cut for most workers to expire after next year.

Senator Collins Opposed Pandemic Flu Spending
Republican Senator Susan Collins went along with Karl Rove and cut or eliminated funding from the stimulus package for pandemic influenza spending. While Democratic Congressman Obey was able to restore $50 million for infection reporting, all state and local funding was eliminated. Nicely done, 'moderate' Senator Collins (italics mine):

Treasury has new mortgage incentives: official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department will on Tuesday tap a $50 billion housing rescue fund to pay off mortgage investors and reduce monthly payments for millions of borrowers, said a senior administration official.

How Obama Can Succeed in the Next Hundred Days and Beyond Robert Reich's Blog
Before Inauguration Day, President-elect Barack Obama said he wanted to hit the ground running. Instead, he hit the ground sprinting and hasn't stopped.

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