Thursday, April 9, 2009


Progressive Caucus Backs Public Health Insurance Plan
While one of the AFL-CIO’s key health care reform principles—a public health insurance option—has been vigorously attacked by the private insurance industry, it received important backing last week from the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC).
A Public Plan for Health Insurance?
President Obama has rightly called for sweeping health care reform and charged Congress with coming up with a program. Expect a tough political fight.
When All You Have Left Is Your Pride
Look around you. On the train platform, at the bus stop, in the car pool lane: these days someone there is probably faking it, maintaining a job routine without having a job to go to.
Few Strings Hinder a Russian-Style Auto Bailout
TOLYATTI, Russia — If there is a country that truly needs a car czar, it is Russia, home of the czars — and Lada
Report Envisions Shortage of Teachers as Retirements Escalate
Over the next four years, more than a third of the nation’s 3.2 million teachers could retire, depriving classrooms of experienced instructors and straining taxpayer-financed retirement systems, according to a new report.
As State Courts Face Cuts, a New Push to Squeeze Defendants
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Valerie Gainous paid her debt to society, but almost went to jail because of a debt to Florida’s courts.
Outlook on Economy Is Brightening, New Poll Finds
Americans have grown more optimistic about the economy and the direction of the country in the 11 weeks since President Obama was inaugurated, suggesting that he is enjoying some success in his critical task of rebuilding the nation’s confidence, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Why American Workers Stay Off the Streets While Europeans Protest
The workers and other protesters who gathered en masse at the Group of 20 summit meeting last week in London were continuing a time-honored European tradition of taking their grievances into the streets.
The Credit Card Trap
It’s only fair. The federal government is doing everything it can to restore the nation’s banks to health. In return, Congress should require those banks to give their credit card customers a better break.

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