Monday, April 20, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - PAUL KRUGMAN - Erin Go Broke -
What," asked my interlocutor, "is the worst-case outlook for the world economy?" It wasn’t until the next day that I came up with the right answer: America could turn Irish.
The Caucus - But Can Obama Make the Trains Run on Time? -
As they seek to jolt the economy out of recession, President Obama’s Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have set aside worries about future inflation. But one form of inflation — rhetorical — may become a short-term hazard for Republicans seeking an effective strategy to oppose Mr. Obama’s activist-government agenda
Obama’s Revenue Plans Hit Resistance in Congress -
WASHINGTON — President Obama is running into stiff Congressional resistance to his plans to raise money for his ambitious agenda, and the resulting hole in the budget is threatening a major health care overhaul and other policy initiatives.
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG Unions Must Seize Opportunity to Reclaim Rightful Role
The multiple crises of global economic meltdown, climate change and challenges to democracy create an opportunity for the union movement to reclaim its rightful place in society as the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves, says author William Greider.
"People Shouldn't Have to Live Like This": The Real Story Behind "Tent City" -- and How the Media Get It Wrong Rights and Liberties AlterNet
Over the past few months, reporters from around the world have flocked to the now-famous tent city in Sacramento, Calif. When they find out that 55-year-old John Kraintz has been living in a tent for almost seven years, they turn around and walk away. / US & Canada - Men bear the brunt of US jobs lost
The US recession has opened up the biggest gap between male and female unemployment rates since records began in 1948, as men bear the brunt of the economy’s contraction.
New Appeal to Reason: AFL-CIO and Change to Win Issue Immigration Statement
America's two union federations( the AFL-CIO and Change to Win) have released a common policy statement on comprehensive immigration reform.
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG New Website Highlights Labor’s Art Heritage
For nearly 30 years, the Labor Heritage Foundation has worked to preserve and promote knowledge of the cultural heritage of the American worker through the arts, including music, poetry, written works, theater and artistic works
U.S. may convert bank bailout to equity share: report Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Obama administration officials have determined they can avoid asking Congress for more bank bailout funds by converting existing loans to the largest U.S. banks into common stock, The New York Times reported on Sunday.
What killed the auto industry?
IF YOU believe the Motley Fool and other "stock advisors" in the business press, 90 percent of GM's losses can be attributed to the United Auto Workers (UAW), which accounts for 10 percent of a vehicle's cost.

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