Wednesday, April 29, 2009

April Union Veterans Activities
On April 13, a California law firm, on behalf of the Union Veterans Council, filed a "friend of the court" brief asking the California State Supreme Court to grant a review of a lower court's decision not to hold manufacturers of equipment used aboard Navy ships liable for failing to warn servicemen and women of a cancer hazard posed by asbestos insulation. The decision precludes suits by the veterans who were exposed to and made ill by that asbestos.

MegaVote for Florida's 15th Congressional District:
Recent Congressional Votes - 6 April 2009 * Senate: Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for FY 2010 * House: Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education (GIVE) Act * House: To amend the executive compensation provisions of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 * House: Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act * House: Congressional Budget for Fiscal Year 2010

“Florida is in economic crisis but there is no justification to defang our great state’s growth management laws,” said Representative Soto. “Earlier this legislative session, I was pleased to support efforts to extend permits and provide other assistance to our home builders and commercial construction industry in their time of need. But the growth management bill that the Florida House debated today goes too far.

TALLAHASSEE, FL --- Florida House Republican leaders voted along party lines today and refused a House Democratic-sponsore d proposal that would have helped Florida obtain approximately $444 million in economic recovery stimulus money for the state’s Unemployment Compensation Trust Fund.

100 Days of Spin
After 100 days in office, we find President Obama is sticking to the facts – mostly.

Special Forum on Rockledge Aquifer
Special Forum on Rockledge Aquifer Mon May 4, 6 PM at Gov't Center

How To Save Florida Employers $100 Million in Taxes
How To Save Florida Employers $100 Million in Taxes

Food Stamps Create Jobs… in India
States found it cheaper to outsource these services. By switching to debit cards for food stamps and other benefits, states save millions of dollars in processing and administrative fees.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

28 APR 09
Arlen Specter Switching Parties From Republican To Democrat
Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Penn.) is becoming a Democrat. "I have decided to run for re-election in 2010 in the Democratic primary," said Specter in a statement. "I am ready, willing and anxious to take on all comers and have my candidacy for re-election determined in a general election."

Unions See Specter Opening, Dangle Electoral Help For EFCA Vote
With poll numbers showing Sen. Arlen Specter in dangerous electoral water, union officials have begun presenting what amounts to a "get-out-of-jail-free" card for the Pennsylvania Republican: Recant your opposition to the Employee Free Choice Act, pledge to support the labor-backed bill, and we might be able to carry you to reelection

Take Action: Tell President Obama's Auto Industry Task Force to stand up for workers!
Congress and the Treasury Department handed out billions to keep banks solvent with no strings attached, even shrugging off obscene bonuses out of "respect for the sanctity of contracts." Yet the same Treasury officials insist that help to the auto industry requires workers to tear up their contracts, give up pay and retirement security.

Union Activist Appointed to Labor Department
Washington - President Barack Obama has appointed a key union activist as senior adviser to Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, another sign of the influence that organized labor wields in the Obama administration

Wall Street pay returning to its normal stratospheric levels
US banks can currently borrow at close to zero from the Fed and easily make a profit. So Wall Street pay is returning to its normal stratospheric levels.

Workers Walk the Plank
I’m sure everyone is thrilled to know that the high rollers on Wall Street are bouncing back. With profits on the rebound, the big shots at the biggest institutions are on track, as The Times reported Sunday, to make as much money this year as they were hauling in before the mega-recession began

Democrats Announce Agreement on Budget Pact
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congressional Democrats sealed an agreement Monday night on a budget plan that would help President Barack Obama overhaul the health care system but allows his signature tax cut for most workers to expire after next year.

Senator Collins Opposed Pandemic Flu Spending
Republican Senator Susan Collins went along with Karl Rove and cut or eliminated funding from the stimulus package for pandemic influenza spending. While Democratic Congressman Obey was able to restore $50 million for infection reporting, all state and local funding was eliminated. Nicely done, 'moderate' Senator Collins (italics mine):

Treasury has new mortgage incentives: official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Treasury Department will on Tuesday tap a $50 billion housing rescue fund to pay off mortgage investors and reduce monthly payments for millions of borrowers, said a senior administration official.

How Obama Can Succeed in the Next Hundred Days and Beyond Robert Reich's Blog
Before Inauguration Day, President-elect Barack Obama said he wanted to hit the ground running. Instead, he hit the ground sprinting and hasn't stopped.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The First 100 Days
This week, PolitiFact and the social news site NewsTrust are joining forces to help you find the best news coverage of President Obama's first 100 days in office, in collaboration with students at the University of Nevada at Reno. We invite you to take part in our latest "news hunt," which runs from Monday April 27 to Friday May 1.
Take Action: Support Domestic Workers!
Every day, 200,000 domestic workers in New York, mostly women of color, make it possible for others to work. But these nannies, elderly caregivers, and housekeepers are excluded from the most basic labor laws (including the National Labor Relations Act), and isolated with no power or leverage to negotiate. They endure long hours, low wages and sometimes emotional and physical abuse
Chrysler and Union Agree to Deal Before Federal Deadline -
DETROIT — Union leaders said Sunday that they had reached an agreement with Chrysler that meets federal requirements for the automaker to receive more financing.
Geithner, Member and Overseer of Finance Club
Last June, with a financial hurricane gathering force, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. convened the nation’s economic stewards for a brainstorming session. What emergency powers might the government want at its disposal to confront the crisis? he asked
Shortage of Doctors Proves Obstacle to Obama Goals -
WASHINGTON — Obama administration officials, alarmed at doctor shortages, are looking for ways to increase the supply of physicians to meet the needs of an aging population and millions of uninsured people who would gain coverage under legislation championed by the president.
Audit shows OSHA failed to prevent worker deaths
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration was created in 1970 as a division of the U.S. Department of Labor tasked with preventing work-related injuries, illnesses and deaths by setting and enforcing standards for workplace safety and health.
Best news coverage of President Obama's first 100 days
Take Action: Support Domestic Workers!
Chrysler and Union Agree to Deal Before Federal Deadline -
Geithner, Member and Overseer of Finance Club
Shortage of Doctors Proves Obstacle to Obama Goals -
Audit shows OSHA failed to prevent worker deaths

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sorry, county may be closed on Fridays
VIERA -- Brevard County officials may close most of their facilities on Fridays to save money during tough economic times.
New Job Safety Bill, Workers Memorial Day Events at Labor Dept., Labor College
Fantastic news from Congress this week as we move closer to commemorating Workers Memorial Day on April 28. A new bill, the Protecting America’s Workers Act (H.R. 2067), introduced yesterday, will strengthen and modernize the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Holding Up the Housing Recovery
We welcomed President Obama’s plan, unveiled in March, to head off foreclosures and keep more Americans in their homes, but we feared that it wouldn’t be enough. We were particularly concerned that without a reform of the bankruptcy code, lenders wouldn’t do enough to voluntarily modify troubled loans.
Industry Ignored Its Scientists on Climate
For more than a decade the Global Climate Coalition, a group representing industries with profits tied to fossil fuels, led an aggressive lobbying and public relations campaign against the idea that emissions of heat-trapping gases could lead to global warming.
U.S. Tells Chrysler to Prepare for Bankruptcy Filing -
DETROIT — The Treasury Department is directing Chrysler to prepare a Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing as soon as next week, people with direct knowledge of the talks said Thursday.
Seven Questions About Green Jobs
1. What is a green job? 2. Are green jobs low-paying jobs? 3. Do gains in green jobs cause net job losses? 4. Do green jobs drive up energy bills? 5. Are green jobs just government-subsidized jobs? 6. Do green jobs mean picking technology winners? 7. Will green jobs interfere with our trade policy?
Household Wealth in Freefall
Family wealth in the United States continues to take a beating as its housing market and financial markets suffer from the 16-month-and-running Bush recession. Household wealth in our country dropped sharply after reaching an $81 trillion peak in June 2007. By the end of December 2008—the last full quarter for which data are available and one full year into the current recession—about $15 trillion in private family wealth had evaporated.
Plutocrats 1, Workers 0
Millions of people looked forward to Barack Obama's presidency with a sense of pride and hope. But Obama's first 100 days have raised critical questions about the limits of what we can expect from a Democrat in the White House--and what it will take to get the change we want.
Bottom of Form 1

Monday, April 20, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - PAUL KRUGMAN - Erin Go Broke -
What," asked my interlocutor, "is the worst-case outlook for the world economy?" It wasn’t until the next day that I came up with the right answer: America could turn Irish.
The Caucus - But Can Obama Make the Trains Run on Time? -
As they seek to jolt the economy out of recession, President Obama’s Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have set aside worries about future inflation. But one form of inflation — rhetorical — may become a short-term hazard for Republicans seeking an effective strategy to oppose Mr. Obama’s activist-government agenda
Obama’s Revenue Plans Hit Resistance in Congress -
WASHINGTON — President Obama is running into stiff Congressional resistance to his plans to raise money for his ambitious agenda, and the resulting hole in the budget is threatening a major health care overhaul and other policy initiatives.
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG Unions Must Seize Opportunity to Reclaim Rightful Role
The multiple crises of global economic meltdown, climate change and challenges to democracy create an opportunity for the union movement to reclaim its rightful place in society as the voice of those who cannot speak for themselves, says author William Greider.
"People Shouldn't Have to Live Like This": The Real Story Behind "Tent City" -- and How the Media Get It Wrong Rights and Liberties AlterNet
Over the past few months, reporters from around the world have flocked to the now-famous tent city in Sacramento, Calif. When they find out that 55-year-old John Kraintz has been living in a tent for almost seven years, they turn around and walk away. / US & Canada - Men bear the brunt of US jobs lost
The US recession has opened up the biggest gap between male and female unemployment rates since records began in 1948, as men bear the brunt of the economy’s contraction.
New Appeal to Reason: AFL-CIO and Change to Win Issue Immigration Statement
America's two union federations( the AFL-CIO and Change to Win) have released a common policy statement on comprehensive immigration reform.
AFL-CIO NOW BLOG New Website Highlights Labor’s Art Heritage
For nearly 30 years, the Labor Heritage Foundation has worked to preserve and promote knowledge of the cultural heritage of the American worker through the arts, including music, poetry, written works, theater and artistic works
U.S. may convert bank bailout to equity share: report Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Obama administration officials have determined they can avoid asking Congress for more bank bailout funds by converting existing loans to the largest U.S. banks into common stock, The New York Times reported on Sunday.
What killed the auto industry?
IF YOU believe the Motley Fool and other "stock advisors" in the business press, 90 percent of GM's losses can be attributed to the United Auto Workers (UAW), which accounts for 10 percent of a vehicle's cost.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fake Teabaggers Are Anti-Spend, Anti-Government: Real Populists Want to Stop Banks from Plundering America
The tea parties are AstroTurf -- fake grassroots. But there is a real movement growing against corporate greed and government malfeasance.

Ron Paul's plan to fend off pirates
A little-known congressional power could help the federal government keep the Somali pirates in check — and possibly do it for a discount price. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and a growing number of national security experts are calling on Congress to consider using letters of marque and reprisal, a power written into the Constitution that allows the United States to hire private citizens to keep international waters safe

Party of the (rich) people
The Democrats are making the running to be big capital's favorite political party again.

Melbourne offers some workers buyouts, furloughs
The city will offer buyouts and voluntary furloughs to employees to cope with declining revenue. The Melbourne City Council approved the measure that is aimed at 16 to 20 full-time positions. The 5-2 vote came late Tuesday after nearly an hour of discussion.

Local area Chamber of Commerce seeks local legislators' help in opposing EFCA
Hoping to increase support in their fight against union organizing, the Marysville/Tulalip Chamber of Commerce today sent an email to state legislators in Olympia asking them to sign a US Chamber of Commerce petition in opposition of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) currently being debated in Washington D.C. The act, also know as "card check" would offer employees, as an option to secret ballot elections, the opportunity to form a union by simply signing a form stating their preference to organize their workplace.

Executive PayWatch: CEO Perks Rise as Workers’ Wages, Jobs Wilt
Even as the U.S. economy went into a tailspin, the median salary for CEOs of 200 large corporations increased by 4.5 percent to $1.08 million. On top of that, these corporations keep plying executives with generous freebies, despite the public outcry over private jets and other executive perks

Consumer prices fall as energy demand slumps
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. consumer prices fell unexpectedly in March and recorded their first annual drop since 1955, government data showed on Wednesday, as slumping demand pushed down energy and food costs.

Fiat CEO warns Chrysler unions: cut costs or we walk
MILAN (Reuters) - Fiat SpA's chief executive, facing a two-week deadline to work out a partnership with Chrysler LLC, warned the troubled U.S. carmaker's unions he would ditch the idea unless they agreed to cut labor costs.

FreedomWorks' Long History Of Teabagging
We haven't written much about the Tea Party Movement, because it's always seemed fairly blown out of proportion. Conservatives compare it to an anti-tax version of the Iraq war protests, but those protests drew scores of thousands of people into the streets and the "tea parties" that have occurred thus far haven't been nearly that large

Employee Free Choice Act- THOMAS (Library of Congress)

We Won One (for now)

Brevard County Commission Table anti-worker Defense of the American Workers resolution
Brothers & Sisters

Special thanks to all who supported our successful attempt to block Resolution by Commissioner Bolin attack against "The Employee Free Choice Act".
There was a great turnout for working families in Brevard County that shift the view of Brevard County Commissioners at this time .
Thanks to all brothers & sisters from Orlando & Volusia who joined us in this fight and spoke to the issue.
Thanks to PBA for working with us in solidarity.
Thanks to DEC, Jobs For Justice, NAACP & APRI groups.
Thanks to all affiliates.
We will remain focus and hopefully this Resolution becomes a non-issue in the days to come.

Please take a moment to call or email your thanks to Commissioners who took a bold stand in supporting us. It is very important that we express our appreciation to those who support us as we would if they had not supported us.

R. Fisher>

"Anderson, Andy" <>

Thank you Claudie

Space Coast AFL/CIO President Claudie Pouncey office(321)631-0110 fax (321)631-0103

Monday, April 13, 2009


Please attend the Brevard County Commission meeting 9 AM 14 April to oppose the Defendse of the American Worker resolution
Employee Frre Choice Act- THOMAS (Library of Congress)

The Truth About EFCA and Secret Ballot Elections « Talking Union
Read about Wurtland case, where a petition was used to remove a union.

Hot contest over 'card check' continues
Legislators counting on poll numbers to help them make up their minds on the Employee Free Choice Act might find themselves banging their heads against the wall instead.

U.S. institute names 99 top ethical companies U.S. Reuters
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Ethisphere Institute on Monday named 99 companies it says are the world's most ethical, its third annual listing designed to encourage ethical practices within the global business community.

Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009
Allow penalty-free hardship withdrawals from retirement accounts in 2008 and 2009

Get his daughters a puppy
A dog named Bo Updated: Monday, April 13th, 2009 It may not be as momentous as his promises to end the Iraq war or cut taxes for 95 percent of American families , but President Barack Obama's pledge to buy his daughters a puppy has spawned intrigue (the dog's identity was disclosed by a mysterious Web site ), lobbying (a Washington Labradoodle owner launched "Labradoodles for Obama" ) and controversy (a PolitiFact reader wrote us recently to consider this a broken promise because, two months into his presidency, Obama still hadn't delivered the dog).

PolitiFact Columnist Will correct that initial TARP money did not buy toxic assets
"Congress shoveled $700 billion into the Troubled Assets Relief Program, $325 billion of which has been spent without purchasing any toxic assets."

PolitiFact Maddow claims Palin got zero support for her idea, only it wasn't hers, and others supported it
Gov. Sarah Palin "got precisely zero support for her call for Alaska's Democratic Senator Mark Begich to resign because Ted Stevens' corruption conviction was overturned."

PolitiFact Rush Limbaugh incorrect about Washington's religious views
"You can't read a speech by George Washington . . . without hearing him reference God, the Almighty." True/ false? Check at link below

Against "shared sacrifice"
If anyone was living "beyond their means" during the 2000s, it was Corporate America and the rich.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Progressive Caucus Backs Public Health Insurance Plan
While one of the AFL-CIO’s key health care reform principles—a public health insurance option—has been vigorously attacked by the private insurance industry, it received important backing last week from the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC).
A Public Plan for Health Insurance?
President Obama has rightly called for sweeping health care reform and charged Congress with coming up with a program. Expect a tough political fight.
When All You Have Left Is Your Pride
Look around you. On the train platform, at the bus stop, in the car pool lane: these days someone there is probably faking it, maintaining a job routine without having a job to go to.
Few Strings Hinder a Russian-Style Auto Bailout
TOLYATTI, Russia — If there is a country that truly needs a car czar, it is Russia, home of the czars — and Lada
Report Envisions Shortage of Teachers as Retirements Escalate
Over the next four years, more than a third of the nation’s 3.2 million teachers could retire, depriving classrooms of experienced instructors and straining taxpayer-financed retirement systems, according to a new report.
As State Courts Face Cuts, a New Push to Squeeze Defendants
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Valerie Gainous paid her debt to society, but almost went to jail because of a debt to Florida’s courts.
Outlook on Economy Is Brightening, New Poll Finds
Americans have grown more optimistic about the economy and the direction of the country in the 11 weeks since President Obama was inaugurated, suggesting that he is enjoying some success in his critical task of rebuilding the nation’s confidence, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.
Why American Workers Stay Off the Streets While Europeans Protest
The workers and other protesters who gathered en masse at the Group of 20 summit meeting last week in London were continuing a time-honored European tradition of taking their grievances into the streets.
The Credit Card Trap
It’s only fair. The federal government is doing everything it can to restore the nation’s banks to health. In return, Congress should require those banks to give their credit card customers a better break.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Why American Workers Stay Off the Streets While Europeans Protest
The workers and other protesters who gathered en masse at the Group of 20 summit meeting last week in London were continuing a time-honored European tradition of taking their grievances into the streets.
The Credit Card Trap
It’s only fair. The federal government is doing everything it can to restore the nation’s banks to health. In return, Congress should require those banks to give their credit card customers a better break. Uses Wanted List to Hunt Environmental Law Breakers
Albania Deleon started a business eight years ago to instruct and certify workers in the safe removal of asbestos. It was a growth industry, and pretty soon her company, Environmental Compliance Training in Methuen, Mass., was the largest in the state.
Brain Researchers Open Door to Editing MemorySuppose scientists could erase certain memories by tinkering with a single substance in the brain. Could make you forget a chronic fear, a traumatic loss, even a bad habit.
Geithner denies White House sidestepping CEO pay limits
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner denied on Sunday the Obama administration was crafting bailout initiatives to allow companies to evade limits on executive pay and other restrictions imposed by Congress. Save Our School
Fired up Friday Events County Commissioners Contact Information and Website Links
Pitchforks and Pistols
Lately I’ve been consuming as much conservative media as possible (interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the mind and mood of the right. My read: They’re apocalyptic. -
A Blow to Workers’ Rights
When Congress passed the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, it gave older Americans a broad right to sue for discrimination. But the Supreme Court has narrowed that right with a 5-to-4 ruling that union members cannot file lawsuits when their contracts call for arbitration of age-discrimination claims. The decision, which reversed the court’s precedents, sets back antidiscrimination law significantly.

Friday, April 3, 2009

The American Workers Rights Resolution vs ECFA

The Brevard County Commission is presenting a anti worker resolution to counter the benefits that organizing workers will gain from the Employees Free Choice Act (ECFA) to read this document please click this link
To sign a petition against this resolution please to