Monday, March 2, 2009

News March 02 2009

State workers face crisis

TALLAHASSEE -- With nearly 175,000 people on the job, state government is Florida's largest employer But, in terms of per-capita size and cost, the state work force is both smallest and cheapest in the nation. And it's likely to shrink in the next two months. Read more

Why bail out Merritt Paulson?

MERRITT PAULSON has a dilemma.
His father, former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, may be one of the most despised men in America after he engineered the $700 billion economic bailout that stuck taxpayers with the bill for Wall Street's losses.Read more

Obama Pick Gets a 2nd Chance on Health Care
TOPEKA, Kan. — In Kansas, Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is known as a Democrat who can deal with Republicans, a necessity in a state where the opposition party dominates both houses of the Legislature Read more

Revenge of the Glut

Remember the good old days, when we used to talk about the "subprime crisis" — and some even thought that this crisis could be "contained"? Oh, the nostalgia! Read more

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