Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Marxist view of the state
The Marxist view of the state A common anarchist misconception about Marxism is that socialists are "pro-state."

Check Out Workers Memorial Day Via Facebook
Workers Memorial Day is April 28 and as part of the preparation for the events and ceremonies to honor workers who have been killed or injured on the job—and to demand improved workplace safety—the AFL-CIO has set up a special Workers Memorial Day Facebook page.

Next shoe to drop for U.S. job seekers: lower wages
NEW YORK (Reuters) - With "no end in sight" for U.S. job losses amid a recession that could stretch into 2010, American workers will soon have to contend with another blow to their confidence: stagnant, or even falling wages.

Obama's proposed budget increases workplace safety funding - WASHINGTON -- Asserting that mounting workloads and dwindling staff have hindered the government's ability to protect workers, President Barack Obama is pledging to increase the enforcement of workplace safety.

Biden to AFL-CIO: Employee Free Choice Act Key to Rebuilding Middle Class
Vice President Joe Biden told the AFL-CIO Executive Council today that returning our economy to health means restoring the basic right to join a union and bargain collectively. And the way to do that is by passing the Employee Free Choice Act

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