Monday, March 16, 2009

News 17 March 2009

How many of the uninsured are U.S. citizens?
A:The vast majority of the uninsured are citizens from working families.

Will 300,000 illegal immigrants get construction jobs through the stimulus package?
A: There's no way of knowing how many illegal immigrants may or may not end up with a job from stimulus funds. But this inflated estimate comes from conservative groups concerned about the absence of employee verification requirements in the final bill.
Railroad Bailout May Offer a Model for Detroit
As General Motors and Chrysler struggle to remain solvent, the railroad bailout of a generation ago could offer a template to the Obama administration — one in which the federal government would run the auto companies until they are back on their feet.

Massachusetts Faces Costs of Big Health Care Plan
BOSTON — Three years ago, Massachusetts enacted perhaps the boldest state health care experiment in American history, bringing near-universal coverage to the commonwealth with Paul Revere speed.

Irish Premier’s U.S. Trip Has Dark Tone
With the formerly highflying Irish economy now in an even deeper tailspin than the American one, the Irish prime minister’s annual St. Patrick’s Day visit to the United States has an unusually somber feel about it.

Bracing for a Backlash Over Wall Street Bailouts
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is increasingly concerned about a populist backlash against banks and Wall Street, worried that anger at financial institutions could also end up being directed at Congress and the White House and could complicate President Obama’s agenda.

Bernanke sees U.S. recovery beginning in 2010
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke suggested in a taped interview on Sunday that the U.S. recession could last most of the year and said the biggest risk was that the political will needed to fix the fractured financial system could be lacking.

Left out from Obama's health care summit
BARACK OBAMA promised to put fixing America's broken health care system at the top of his agenda as president. But supporters of the one solution that could actually work were at the bottom of his White House invitation list.

Axis of Weasels: The Men Who Ruined the Economy
Axis of Weasels: The Men Who Ruined the Economy Pictures

Americans Are Raring for a Fight Against Corporate Power
Last October, Home Depot cofounder Bernie Marcus blew a gasket, spewing outrage in all directions. "This is the demise of civilization," he exploded. "This is how a civilization disappears. I'm watching this happen and I don't believe it!"

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