Tuesday, March 10, 2009

News 10 March 2009

Wal-Mart May Win Democrats Unions Need on Card-Check
March 10 (Bloomberg) -- Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas defied her state’s largest private employer, Wal-Mart Stores Inc., in 2007 by voting to make it easier for workers to join unions. This year, she may spurn organized labor.
Big Business Lobby Goes to War With Grassroots Workers Over Pro-Union Bill Today
The biggest battle between corporate power and workers' rights in over 50 years starts today with the official introduction of the Employee Free Choice Act by leading Democrats in the House and Senate.
Conspicuous Consumption, a Casualty of Recession
ATLANTA — It is a sign of the times when Sacha Taylor, a fixture on the charity circuit in this gala-happy city, digs out a 10-year-old dress to wear to a recent society party.
No need to worry; rich won't starve
Amid pleas to spare the rich, the right is accusing the Obama administration of waging vile class warfare. They envision wooden carts carrying the wealthiest 2 percent to the guillotine. Are the critics right? Only in the tumbrels of their mind.
Obama plan sees extra pay for top teachers, may anger union
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama on Tuesday proposed lengthening the school year and paying top teachers more as part of an effort to help U.S. students regain an edge in the competitive world economy.

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