Thursday, February 5, 2009

News 5 Febuary 2009

Senate Republicans and the Stimulus: Playing Politics When the Economy Burns Tomorrow's job report is likely to be awful. January's job losses could easily top half a million. Read more..

Stimulus: Not worth the trouble in the long run? The new director of the Congressional Budget Office, Douglas Elmendorf, may have been appointed by Congressional Democratic leaders, but his latest "Director's Blog" posting is unlikely to make Democrats pushing for stimulus bill passage very happy Read more

Senate committee delays vote on Obama labor nominee WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Senate committee on Thursday abruptly postponed a vote to confirm President Barack Obama's labor secretary nominee following a news report that her husband may have tax problems. Read more.

One in five Bernard Madoff clients are from FloridaHundreds of prominent South Florida names and institutions -- from Miami car dealer Norman Braman to St. Thomas Aquinas High School -- are on the list of customers who invested money with accused swindler Bernard Madoff. Read more..

Looking for votes in all the wrong places The Republicans' criticisms of fiscal stimulus legislation are based on their opposition to any government program that isn't ultimately aimed at putting money in the pockets of the rich. So, asks Alan Maass, why is Barack Obama reaching out to them? Read more

Campaign 2010 Begins Democrats launch radio ads attacking 28 House Republicans, taking some facts out of context. Read more..

Disney profits down 32 percent Walt Disney Co. reported a 32 percent drop in profit in its first quarter, with revenue dropping most in its studio division, the company said Tuesday.Read more

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