Monday, February 2, 2009

News 2 Febuary 2009

Interactive Map: Recovery Beyond the Beltway The House of Representatives’ $825 billion Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act is of the scale and breadth necessary to begin tackling the economic chaos that President Barack Obama has inherited from former President George W. Bush. The various spending programs and tax cuts contained in the plan will help communities across the entire nation. This map shows state-by-state allocations for the aspects of the plan for which we could establish where the money is going. This constitutes 66 percent of the total cost of the package. The map also shows the proportion of the funds that will help each state balance their budgets rather than providing additional funding for specific programs. Read more

A Stimulus Plan With Dual Goals - Reform and Recovery -WASHINGTON — As President Obama and Congress barrel toward the latest emergency program to resuscitate the American economy, one question is looming over their search for a cure: Can the government fashion a fast and efficient economic stimulus while also seizing the moment to remake America? Read more

Obama says will reverse Bush labor policies WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama pledged on Friday to reverse labor policies from his Republican predecessor, George W. Bush, that unions have long contended favored employers over workersRead more

You, sir, are an idiot"I had the pleasure this morning of appearing on Warren Olney's "To the Point" public affairs show, broadcast every Friday morning on Santa Monica's KCRW. The topic was bipartisanship and the stimulus plan, and the guests included David Sirota, fast emerging as one of the more prominent left-wing critics of the Obama administration,Read more

Kosmas urges Senate to give Florida its 'fair share' of eduction dollars
Brevard school district tops state in music instruction Brevard County has 23 of the 28 music-demonstration schools statewide, according to a new listing from the Florida Department of Education. Read more

Goodfellas' aided State Farm downfall So long, State Farm Florida. Thanks for nothing.Read more

Section 8 rent relief to end for about 380 families MELBOURNE -- A federal rent subsidy program that helps needy families each month is in a financial crisis, and about 380 such families in Brevard County will be cut off from the assistance on March 1. Read more

The Obama administration not likely to impose tougher restrictions on executive pay WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Obama administration is not likely to impose tougher restrictions on executive pay on most firms receiving aid under the government's $700 billion financial rescue program, the Washington Post reported on Saturday. Read more

Springsteen calls Wal-Mart CD deal a mistake NEW YORK – The Boss is owning up to a mistake. In an interview with Sunday's New York Times, Bruce Springsteen says he shouldn't have made a deal with Wal-Mart. This month, the store started exclusively selling a Springsteen greatest hits CD. Read more

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