Wednesday, February 4, 2009

News 020409

Tom Daschle and the Populist Revolt Tom Daschle's surprise withdrawal today shocked most Washington insiders -- after all, Daschle had been a key figure in the Senate, Read more..

Is the government outlawing the resale of children's clothing? Read more

Limiting the pay of CEOs You think limiting the pay of CEOs is playing tough? Check this out. Fortune Magazine's Allan Sloan explains just what steps we could take in dealing with the companies who've botched the economy and seem determined to continue on the same path. Read more.

The Moulitsas Deficit Reduction Act of 2009 Here's how it works:Since the only time rich DC party insiders seem to get around to paying their taxes is when nominated to Obama's cabinet, Read more

Is President Obama planning to have the military swear an oath to him rather than to the Constitution? Read more

Pork or a chance to bring home the bacon? The new chairman of the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, says "we don't" need a stimulus. The economy will recover on its own, he told Fox News, so what's the worry? Read more..

Only on Wall Street: A $500,000 salary limit is "draconian" In response to the news that President Obama intends to cap salaries for employees of banks receiving significant government aid at $500,000, the New York Times provides us with this whopper:Read more..

Tell Congress: Ban Shark Finning I'm against it! Kevin R. SHARKey

Congress passes children health insurance bill WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Congress approved on Wednesday a bill expanding a health insurance program for children and raising tobacco taxes to pay for it, giving President Barack Obama a big legislative victory a day after his pick to lead a healthcare industry overhaul stepped aside Read more..

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