Saturday, February 7, 2009

News 07 Febuary 2009

President Barack Obama to participate in town hall-style meetings in Ft. Myers By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 3:53 p.m. ET WASHINGTON (AP) --President Barack Obama plans to participate in town hall-style meetings next week in two cities that have struggled amid the crumbling economy. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Friday said Obama plans to visit Elkhart, Ind., on Monday to tell residents what the roughly $900 billion stimulus plan would mean for them. Obama's original proposal was in the range of $800 billion, but the Senate's version has grown to more than $900 billion. The president also plans a Tuesday trip to Fort Myers, Fla., to try to sell his economic recovery plan, which is being hashed over in Congress. Indiana's Elkhart-Goshen region saw its unemployment rate soar to 15.3 percent in December. In Florida's Fort Myers, unemployment has climbed to 10 percent.

Finding Florida's Finest February 6, 2009
Dear Florida Community Leader: I need you to help me identify the unsung heroes of the Sunshine State. Next month the Congressional Medal of Honor Society will honor three extraordinary Americans who uphold the same ideals of courage, sacrifice, and selflessness as Medal of Honor winners. Fifty-one finalists will be chosen for the Citizen Honors, one from each state and the District of Columbia. Three winners will be chosen from among them to receive the award at a ceremony on March 25, which will be held in the shadow of the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. I’ve traveled up and down Florida for most of my life, and I can tell you we have some of the most amazing men and women who go above and beyond for others every day. To nominate a Floridian for this honor, please go to the form on my website at ttp:// Nominations must be submitted by February 20. Thanks for helping me find Florida's finest.
Sincerely, Bill Nelson U.S. Senator

More Rights for Military
Senator Charlie Justice (D- St. Petersburg
February 6, 2009 727-217-7970 TALLAHASSEE - Soldiers, Airman and National Guard will receive significant legal protections while serving their state and country under legislation proposed by Senator Charlie Justice (D- St. Petersburg). This bill will ensure that active duty military will not lose their employment rights or benefits while serving. It also provides that anyone who commits an act prohibited by state or federal law against an active duty soldier or national guardsman is liable for civil penalties. “I cannot overstate how important it is to protect the rights of our bravest men and women who risk their lives to serve their country,” Senator Justice said. “This bill strengthens those protections and ensures that they have the security of a job when they return home.” Senate Bill 206 passed the Senate Military Affairs Committee unanimously earlier this week. It is now headed for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Representative Michael Scionti (D- Tampa) is sponsoring the bill in the House. ###

GOP legislators blocked Obama's Labor Secretary nominee After keeping a low profile while Hilda Solis because of her support of the Employee Free Choice Act, top labor leaders today came out swinging. The right-wing has seized on the newly revealed tax problems of her husband and her unpaid, ceremonial position with a pro-union organization, American Rights at Work, claiming a conflict of interest. Read more

Confirm Rep. Hilda Solis as Department of Labor Secretary If there was ever a time the nation needed a strong secretary of labor, this is it.--New York Times, 1/28/09 Enough is enough. With unemployment at a record high and the nation in the worst economic crises in years, the American people need a strong Secretary of Labor--especially after enduring 8 years of the Bush administration Take Action: Confirm Rep. Hilda Solis as Department of Labor Secretary

AIG and Citi deals gave Treasury least value WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Treasury Department bank bailout program received the least value from its investments in the most troubled surviving institutions -- American International Group and Citigroup, a new report from a watchdog panel showed on Friday Read more

Baltimore takes on foreclosures
BALTIMORE--Some 80 ACORN members and supporters turned out to a town-hall meeting on January 29 to discuss how to address the city's foreclosure crisis and organize ACORN's new "Homesteading Campaign." Read more

Does the stimulus bill include a $5.2 billion payoff for ACORN? Read more

U.S. image picks up, China and Russia worsen: poll LONDON (Reuters) - The image of the United States around the world has improved in the past year while China and Russia's standing in other countries has slipped, according to an opinion poll published on Friday. Read more

Support a recovery plan that Repowers America Call the Senate today -- a vote could happen any time now. Ensure that the economic recovery package focuses on new jobs and clean energy sources that will Repower America. Act now @

Support the Turn Around America Fund We need your help to get out the truth about the Employee Free Choice Act through the Turn Around America Fund. AFL-CIO Turn Around America Fund

Editorial - In Love With a Jersey Smell -Since New York City is the home of Wall Street, which goes up when employment goes down, no one should have been surprised when New Yorkers concluded that a mysterious sweet scent that smelled like a giant Mrs. Butterworth’s spill must have been something really, really bad Read more

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