Monday, November 15, 2010

Let's not worry about who killed who

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Nominate Your Choice for ‘Scrooge of the Year’
It’s the holiday season and time once again to say “bah humbug” to the most cold-hearted and greedy CEOs, corporations and politicians who exemplify the spirit of Ebenezer Scrooge.

New England firms face steep fines for hiring illegal workers - The Boston Globe
The fines rose from just $14,534 in fiscal year 2008 to $118,000 this year in New England alone.Those penalties are the result of a major shift last year in the Obama administration’s immigration strategy. Instead of the dramatic, large-scale raids that snagged hundreds of illegal immigrants, including at a New Bedford factory

Clyde W. Summers Dies at 91 - Advocated Democracy in Labor Unions -
When two dissenters in the painters union were murdered in the San Francisco area in 1966 after they denounced sweetheart contracts, Mr. Summers became a leader on a committee demanding justice

How to Make the Dollar Sound Again -
BY disclosing a plan to conjure $600 billion to support the sagging economy, the Federal Reserve affirmed the interesting fact that dollars can be conjured. In the digital age, you don’t even need a printing press.

General Motors IPO Attractively Priced -- Seeking Alpha
There has been a 50% loss on the government's $50 billion bailout "investment." At the mid-point of the price range, the government's value is $25 billion = 50% loss. The government has been "repaid" $6.7 billion, but that was by borrowing from another government fund which doesn't count -- in other words, borrowing from Peter to pay Paul.

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