Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Don't peddle so fast Mr. Butterball, you're on a one way trip!
Space Coast Working News 11/24/2010

Wall Street Dares to Indulge Itself Again
Exuberance made a comeback this year at Josh Koplewicz’s annual Halloween party. More than 1,000 people packed into a 6,000-square-foot space at the Good Units night club in Manhattan, a substantially larger crowd than in the last several years. The open bar was sponsored by Russian Standard vodka, and Mr. Koplewicz, an investment analyst at Goldman Sachs, was able to snag a big headliner: the hip-hop star Lil’ Kim, who performed dressed in a black cat costume.
Charities and unemployed brace for rough season with benefits set to expire |
More than 11,000 jobless people in Sarasota and Manatee counties will have their unemployment benefits terminated or phased out beginning next month, further straining Southwest Florida charities that have been overwhelmed by the staggering economy
Dec. 7: Show Your Solidarity with Long-Term Jobless Work
Congress left town for Thanksgiving break without taking any action to renew emergency unemployment insurance (UI) for 800,000 long-term job seekers. By the time Congress gets back to work, a million people could be without insurance to feed their families or pay their bills. Some 2 million people will lose their UI by the end of this year.
Barack Obama: Kokomo proves auto bailout worked
KOKOMO, Ind. — In what could be a preview of their 2012 reelection campaign, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden toured a revived auto plant here, tweaking their critics and claiming vindication for the administration’s controversial decision to bail out the financially strapped auto industry last year.
The tragedy of how the richer made us poorer
Why do you think John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are so intent on renewing the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2 percent of Americans when they know it will bust another $700 billion hole in our national treasury over 10 years and prove their hypocrisy on fiscal responsibility?
Economic History Shows Clearly That Tax Cuts for Rich Hurt the Economy
Right-wing politicians and pundits carry on repeatedly about how wrong it would be to raise taxes on the rich in a time of economic downturn. Wrong.
There Will Be Blood
So here’s what the very serious Mr. Simpson said on Friday: “I can’t wait for the blood bath in April. ..
Maintenance worker killed during South Beach eviction
A building maintenance worker helping police serve an eviction notice was shot and killed by the tenant at a South Beach waterfront complex this morning, Miami-Dade police have confirmed.
Garbage man injured as oxygen tanks explode
ORLANDO — A Central Florida sanitation worker was injured when he threw discarded oxygen tanks into a trash compactor and they exploded.

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