Saturday, November 13, 2010

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | NFL Players to Join 

State Federations

It happens too often. Workers become more productive, 
often risking serious injury on the job,  and make the owners more money.
But instead of sharing the wealth, the owners demand givebacks
 and threaten to shut down the company if the workers don’t agree.

Issa to Push for Postal Service Changes -

“This loss only underscores the urgent need for the Postal Service to trim
 its operating costs  to match revenues,” Mr. Issa said in a statement.
 “Congress has an obligation to ensure that effective solutions are 
implemented and taxpayers don’t get stuck paying for a bailout.”

Honoring Our Veterans in 2010

2,000 Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have so far received
 help from the Department of Veterans Affairs'  homeless outreach program
 107,000 veterans are homeless on any given night,  according to 2009
 estimates from the Veterans Administration. About one-third of homeless
 adult Americans are veterans,  only about one-tenth of all adults are veterans.

Republicans Turn Against Their Own

 Health Reform Proposals

Congressional Republicans are threatening to repeal the
 Affordable Care Act,  the recently passed health care reform law.
 But President Barack Obama  pointed out on “60 Minutes” Sunday night
 that the law is very similar to  Republican Gov. Mitt Romney’s
 health reform law in Massachusetts.  And it turns out the law reflects 
many other ideas that enjoyed Republican support in the past.
 Here are 10 of those ideas.

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