Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Democat on the run!

New Poll Finds 86 Percent Of Americans Don't Want 

To Have A Country Anymore | The Onion -

WASHINGTON, DC—A Gallup/Harris Interactive poll
 released Monday indicates that nearly nine out of 10
 Americans are "tired of having a country."

Recession’s Side Effects: Fewer Dead Workers—

But GOP Poised to Gut OSHA -

 Working In These Times

Amid all the misery spawned by the recession,
 there is one silver lining  that has emerged, according to the Labor Department's
 Bureau of Labor Statistics:  a sharp drop in workplace injuries
and deaths due to accidents.
Here is a Paradox, if you like such things: America is a
 Nation of Semi-Literate Buffoons, but America is also
 a Nation of Over-Educated (but still dumb) service workers.
 What? “In all, about 17 million people in this country
 have completed college  only to end up working jobs
 that require a skill level below that of a bachelors degree

What Will Tea Party Members Do When Their 

Politicians Betray Them?


Tea Party members hate Wall Street bailouts, trade deals like NAFTA
, job outsourcing, giant corporations buying laws, government spending,
and elites telling the rest of us what to do. But there is no question that
 their candidates- many of them wealthy corporatists themselves
 - are funded by big corporations (even foreign oil companies)
and Wall Street. So the question is,once in Congress will they vote
 with their base or their owners?And when they vote with the people
 who bought them, what will Tea Party members do about it?

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