Sunday, January 10, 2010

YouTube - Amazing Technology This is an amazing invention. Finger saver for wood workers

Think Progress » Steele on serving as RNC chair: God has ‘placed me here for a reason.’ In recent days, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele has been under fire from members of his own Party for making controversial public statements, such as ones that show a lack

Public Transit Best Vehicle for Economic Recovery | Progressive States Network
An overseen benefit of public transit is the creation and retention of sustainable jobs. On January 5, 2010, the Center for Neighborhood Technology, Smart Growth America, and U.S. PIRG released What We Learned from the Stimulus, a study that concluded that public transportation generates more jobs than highway construction, although highway construction received more American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds than public transit

Rhode Island Legislature Overrides Governor's Veto of Key Registration Reform | Progressive States Network The Rhode Island Senate and House of Representatives voted on Tuesday to override a gubernatorial veto of important electoral reform legislation that will allow voter pre-registration for 16 and 17-year-olds. Rhode Island now becomes the fifth state, and the fourth in three years, to allow minors to pre-register, a process where their voter registration automatically becomes active upon turning 18.

Orlando Sentinel - Central Florida Political Pulse – Crist’s Cover Florida plan in trouble? One year after Gov. Charlie Crist’s “Cover Florida” took effect, there are signs that the voluntary approach to providing affordable health insurance is in trouble. The largest health insurer in the program says it needs a 30-percent rate increase effective March 1. Without the hike, it will cost Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida 23 percent more to pay claims than it would collect in premiums, according to the rate filing.

News Analysis - Obama Turning Focus to Jobs, if Outside Events Allow It - WASHINGTON — President Obama keeps trying to turn attention to “jobs, jobs, jobs,” as his chief of staff has put it. But he is finding that it can be hard to focus on any one issue when so many demand attention, often unexpectedly. And as the lackluster employment report on Friday suggested, showing concern is not the same as showing results.

Unions Oppose Possible Health Insurance Tax - When millions of blue-collar workers were leaning toward John McCain during the 2008 campaign, labor unions moved many of them into Barack Obama’s column by repeatedly hammering one theme: Mr. McCain wanted to tax their health benefits.

Garden in Paradise: Frost Protection for Your Southern Garden With temperatures dipping down into the freezing range in South Florida, residents scramble to protect their precious tropical plants.

Sleep Challenge 2010: The Good, the Bad and the Coffee Good morning. This is Day Four of our sleep challenge. I've got some good news and some bad news to report. Let's get the bad news out of the way first: I've yet to meet my challenge goal of getting 8 hours of sleep a night. But I've gotten close -- getting seven-and-a-half hours each of the last three nights

You Know You're a Conservative When... | | AlterNet Since almost no one is willing to identify with the GOP these days, it can be difficult to diagnose conservatism. Here are some tips to help determine if you are a conservative:

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