Monday, January 25, 2010

Election ruling tracks Fla. law TAMPA - Under Florida law, you can contribute a maximum of $500 to your candidate for governor. For all practical purposes, that law does not apply to real estate investor Jonathan R. Politano of Aventura, who has contributed at least $18,000 to Alex Sink, the top Democratic candidate for governor.
Republican Scott Brown’s special election win in Massachusetts. President Barack Obama’s push for sweeping health care reform hangs in the balance when Congress returns this week, after being thrown into doubt by Republican Scott Brown’s special election win in Massachusetts.

Our views: Ethical swamp (Jan. 24) | Property appraiser’s debacle continues to damage trust in government In another low mark for Brevard County government, deputy property appraisers Mark Johns and John Sternagel now admit they broke the law to help Property Appraiser Jim Ford get re-elected

Brevard maps out budget musts | | Focus dwindling funds on law enforcement, fire protection, animal control, drinking water and other core services, Brevard County commissioners decided last week.

Montana extremist A group of nearly 200 "extremely concerned citizens" in a small Montana county are demanding that local leaders fill out a "questionnaire" pledging to form a local militia, prohibit mandatory vaccinations, boot the EPA out of town, allow citizens to bear any type of gun, and require federal government employees to get written approval before approaching "any Citizen."

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Hey, Democrats, Remember Us? Jeff, you guys at the Union Hall aren’t listening to us! You’re talking out of both sides of your mouth. We’re fighting the benefits tax, and now you’re telling us to vote for someone who will tax our benefits! The guys here are voting for Scotty Brown.”

Democrats Help Bring Reagan Back From the Dead | | AlterNet Democrats' pandering to corporate interests lets the GOP win easy points with Reagan's tired anti-government ideology.

The Obama Brand: Feel Good While Overlords Loot the Treasury and Launch Imperial Wars | Media and Technology | AlterNet Brand Obama makes us hopeful. We like our president and we believe he's like us. But we're being duped into doing a lot of things that are not in our interest Union House sells Clothing Made in USA. American Made Clothes from US Manufacturers that are Union Made in USA. We sell American made apparel from Carhartt, Union Line and King Louie, Union House men's briefs and boxers

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