Thursday, January 21, 2010

President Obama: "Never Again Will the American Taxpayer be Held Hostage by a Bank that is 'Too Big to Fail'" | The White House This morning the President proposed what he called "the Volcker Rule," named after one of the fiercest advocates for financial reform over the past year, and who has been particularly focused on addressing the issue of banks being "too big to fail." Labor Groups Debate Next Step For Health Care Bill Adding to the uncertainty about the fate of the Democratic agenda in the wake of the party's defeat in Massachusetts on Tuesday, top officials of two of the nation's most powerful union groups have taken firm but slightly differing positions over how to move forward with health care reform. Drew Westen: Obama Finally Gets His Victory For Bipartisanship You can blame a bad candidate, bad organization, bad timing of a vacation -- choose your rationalization. But the reality is that voters in Massachusetts were reacting to the same foul mist coming off Boston Harbor that New Jersey Voters smelled coming off the Hudson and Virginia voters off the Chesapeake. Local shuttle job-loss report released | | FLORIDA TODAY The long-awaited Aerospace Workforce Outlook Report - Phase III has been released, confirming earlier reports that some 6,400 to 7,000 of 9,160 total shuttle related workers will lose their jobs as the shuttle stops flying. AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Ironworker Sworn in as N.J. State Senate President Steve Sweeney, a member of Ironworkers Local 399 and one of the early graduates of the New Jersey State AFL-CIO’s Labor Candidates School, was sworn in last week » Democrats Must Lead to Win in 2010 Political Action: It's time to fight for working families "Voters want real change. It's time for the Democratic Party to stop siding with corporate interests and start fighting for working families." Walt Disney World gets reduction in OSHA fine | | FLORIDA TODAY ORLANDO — A fine issued to Walt Disney World by a federal workplace safety agency for a serious violation that contributed to the death of a worker during a summer monorail accident has been reduced by 20 percent. Extra paid holiday flap now campaign fodder | | FLORIDA TODAY An extra paid holiday for county government staff in 2009 -- and how much it cost -- has become fodder for debate and a YouTube video in the commission elections. Create Jobs, Give States Fiscal Relief Dear President Barack Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and Members of the 111th US Congress: We urgently call on President Obama and the Congress to enact a new, broad-based job creation plan, including significant additional

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