Thursday, January 14, 2010

White House, unions reach deal on taxing insurance coverage White House, unions reach deal on taxing insurance coverage By Lori Montgomery The White House has reached a tentative agreement with labor leaders to tax high-cost health insurance policies, sources said Thursday. The agreement clears one of the last major obstacles on the path to final passage of comprehensive health care legislation.

Foreclosure filings up in Brevard in December | | FLORIDA TODAY New foreclosure filings in Brevard County jumped sharply in December, pushing filings for the year to a new record.

Roadwork jobs just a costly distraction | | FLORIDA TODAY Politicians love to spend money on road building as a way to grow jobs on "Main Street" during a recession.

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Big Insurance Funds Chamber of Commerce to Kill Health Care Reform The nation’s biggest health insurers have been funneling money quietly to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to air lie-filled, scare-mongering commercials about health care reform. Like Capt. Renault, who discovered there was gambling going on at Rick’s CafĂ© AmĂ©ricain in Casablanca, we are: “Shocked, shocked….” Yeah, right.

Amy Tidd for State House The State Representative District 30 race is an important one for Brevard and the State of Florida.

Titusville vets help homeless heroes come in from the cold | | FLORIDA TODAY TITUSVILLE — At least 20 homeless veterans spent the chilliest nights of the cold snap in warm motel rooms thanks to other veterans who rallied around National Veterans Homeless Support.

Tea Partier's Site Shows Photoshopped Image Of Racist Sign When you're a Tea Party activist and you've been caught holding a racist sign that refers to taxpayers as the "n" word, maybe it's better to just leave the whole subject alone.

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Building Trades Backs Local Hire Drive for Tennessee VW Plant Volkswagen is building a $1 billion auto plant near Chattanooga, Tenn., after being lured there with a $565 million incentive package of taxpayer money. But, according to grassroots group “Volunteers for Local Hire,” many of the jobs building the facility are going to out-of-state and even out-of-country workers.

A new direction for nurse unionism | A NURSE I work with recently raised her concerns with supervisors about understaffing and patient safety in the emergency room. While she spoke to two different people on two different occasions, she was given the same exact response: "You're lucky to have a job

States of emergency | BACK DURING the New York City fiscal crisis of 1975, the New York Daily News ran a headline about President Gerald Ford's refusal to aid the city: "Ford to City: Drop Dead." But Barack Obama is far outdoing Ford in refusing to provide sufficient federal assistance to states reeling from severe budget cuts.

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