Monday, June 29, 2009

Death by Bipartisanship
Health care reform is wildly popular. Three separate polls show over 70% of Americans favor a public insurance plan. Remarkably, the majority of us are even willing to pay higher taxes to provide health insurance for our uninsured compatriots.

The next FDR or the next Hoover? It would be hard to imagine Barack Obama acting like FDR did at the height of the New Deal. But then again, Obama doesn't face a mobilized and militant working class.

Take Action: Tell Congress: Wells Fargo is a Roadblock to Recovery Desperate for cash, Wells Fargo got $25 billion from US taxpayers to keep it open. The deal was simple: use our money to stay in business and help other businesses through the recession, too. Jobs would be saved and we'd all be on the road to economic recovery.

Ludlow Massacre Site Dedicated as National Landmark Today, Mine Workers (UMWA) leaders, union activists, lawmakers and historians will dedicate the site of the 1914 Ludlow Massacre—one of the bloodiest chapters in the nation’s labor history—as a National Historic Landmark.

IBEW, OPEIU Members Honored at Labor College Graduation Among the 103 union members who received their college degrees in ceremonies at the National Labor College (NLC) today, two were singled out for special recognition.
Growth amendment fuels opponents' angst
Florida's Realtors, home builders and developers have some business decisions to make this fall as they ponder the next phase of a fight over development in the state

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Two Former Labor Secretaries: Why We Support Employee Free Choice
Ray Marshall, secretary of labor from 1977 to 1981, and Robert Reich, secretary of labor from 1993 to 1997, have borne witness to a big shift in the economy and the power of workers over past decades. They’ve seen an economy weakened by inequality, corporate greed and the decreasing ability of workers to bargain for their fair

State GOP staffer sends racist image of Obama.
Over the weekend, a GOP official in South Carolina posted a comment to Facebook comparing Michelle Obama to an escaped gorilla. Now, in a second instance of Republicans playing the race card against the Obamas, Wonkette notes that a racist e-mail was sent out by a legislative staffer for Tennessee GOP state senator Diane Black. The staffer, Sherri Goforth, e-mailed this composite picture of the country’s 44 presidents, which represents President Obama with only a set of eyes:

Chicago pols hail retiring priest
A slew of high-ranking Democratic office holders showed up at St. Andrew Catholic Church on Chicago's North Side last week to wish a happy retirement to the Rev. Jack Farry, a local priest known for his involvement in civil rights and other social justice issues. It was a respectful nod to a popular figure and yet another demonstration that in Chicago anyway pols still pay more than lip service to the notion that 'all politics is local.'

Companies praise new law on construction safety
Union and construction companies today praised a new law they said aims to create a culture of safety on local work sites and make construction workers safer. The new bill, signed into law by Gov. Jim Gibbons on Wednesday, requires all construction workers and supervisors to attend health and safety course training within 15 days of being hired.

OSHA cites Wal-Mart in NY worker's '08 crowd death
GARDEN CITY, N.Y. (AP) — The death of a temporary employee who was crushed in a stampede of post-Thanksgiving shoppers at a Wal-Mart store could have been prevented, federal officials said Tuesday as they proposed fining the world's largest retailer $7,000 — as much money as it makes in about 18 seconds

The Healthcare War is Now Official
Yesterday the American Medical Association came out against a public option for health care. And yesterday the President reaffirmed his support for it. The next weeks will show what Obama is made of -- whether he's willing and able to take on the most formidable lobbying coalition he has faced so far on an issue that will define his presidency.

Green Jobs Programs to Drive Economic Recovery
Over the past few decades, the U.S. has failed to invest in the growth of both urban and rural America, leaving many families and communities struggling to make ends meet. At the same time, we face an environmental crisis in the form of global climate change and the challenge of reducing our dependence on fossil fuel.

How many more were wrongly jailed because of 'wonder dog'?
Orlando Sentinel columnist Scott Maxwell today called on Gov. Charlie Crist, Attorney General Bill McCollum and Brevard-Seminole State Attorney Norm Wolfinger to investigate how many more innocent people were put in Florida prisons because of the testimony of a now-discredited dog handler.

More Die on Job in New York State Because of Bush’s Safety and Health Cuts
Eight years of Bush administration cutbacks in funding for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), particularly for an adequate inspection force, puts New York state workers at greater risk of dying on the job, a new report reveals.

Obama Open to Reining in Medical Suits
WASHINGTON — The American Medical Association has long battled Democrats who oppose protecting doctors from malpractice lawsuits. But during a private meeting at the White House last month, association officials said, they found one Democrat willing to entertain the idea: President Obama.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chamber defends free market system
As the Obama administration encroaches deeper into the private sector and Congress contemplates more regulations, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is launching a multimillion-dollar campaign to defend the free market system.

Take Action Support the Progressive Caucus's line in the sand
Support the Progressive Caucus's line in the sand Opponents of health care reform know that a public health insurance option is now likely to be part of any final legislation.

Take action Organizing for Health Care Action Center
Sign the declaration of support and tell Congress to pass real health care reform in 2009. I support President Obama's three principles for real health care reform, and I call on Congress to enact a plan upholding them in 2009

Healthcare Reform Proposals Taking Shape
The last time we had a major health reform proposal was the Clinton administration, and it didn’t go well. Ezra Klein explains the reasons: Instead of bringing members of Congress and stakeholders into the process early, the administration drafted a detailed proposal and then presented it to Congress. Those in favor of reform failed to mount a coordinated campaign for it, while the Republicans, guided by a memo from William Kristol, united in opposition against it and ruled out compromise. And even before the administration presented its plan, the health-insurance industry was spreading fear to the public with the notorious "Harry and Louise" ad.
Watching Out for the Details in Healthcare, and How Hard the White House Pushes for Them
In an interesting piece in Sunday's New York Times Magazine, Matt Bai suggests that the White House has learned the main lesson of Bill Clinton's failed attempt at universal health care, which is not to deliver a finished product to Congress but instead give Congress a set of goals and let it decide how to reach them.
Florida Democrats go after Kosmas challenger
Diebel's campaign manager, Phil Vangelakos, said she was traveling on business but would sit down with the Sentinel this week to discuss her campaign. He said the attacks by the Democrats are baseless.

Labor protesters target Dyer event
It was supposed to be a good-news event for Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer today, but a small group of protesters tried to spoil the fun.

Take action Urge Sen. Nelson To Keep Up The Fight Against Big Oil
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee caved to Big Oil, voting to allow oil drilling off Florida's coast. Sen. Nelson has vowed to fight the committee's decision, and we need to stand with him.

Taxpayer bill for SunRail already more than $60 million
Florida lawmakers this spring voted to kill Central Florida’s planned commuter-rail system, but state contractors still made nearly $44 million on the deal.

Right-Wingers To Boycott GM?
The Detroit Bureau reports that an idea seems to be picking up some cachet on the right-wing blogs and in talk radio: Fighting the "Government Motors" bailout by boycotting the company. Most of it so far is limited to relatively little-known writers, but two big names have picked up on it: Hugh Hewitt, who wants to save free enterprise -- and Rush Limbaugh, who wants anything President Obama does to fail, and is urging his listeners to help push towards that goal.

10 Large Banks Allowed to Exit U.S. Aid Program
The Obama administration marked with little fanfare a major milestone in its bank rescue effort — its decision on Tuesday to let 10 big banks repay federal aid that had sustained them through the worst of the crisis — as policy makers and industry executives focused on the challenges still before them.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Just a few on Twitter do all the tweeting: study
BOSTON (Reuters) - A tiny fraction of those who use the fast-growing social network phenomenon Twitter generate nearly all the content, a Harvard study shows.

Ex-Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo Charged With Fraud
The Securities & Exchange Commission announced today it will charge former Countrywide CEO Angelo Mozilo and two others with civil fraud and insider trading, making Mozilo the most high-profile individual to face federal charges in the wake of the financial crisis.

Why Wal-Mart Hirings Do Not Help U.S. Economy
Reuters reported Thursday morning that Wal-Mart will hire an additional 22,000 individuals to staff its voluminous stores. Certainly, in this time of mounting job losses, a job at Wal-Mart is better than nothing as everyone has bills to pay.

How the other 0.00000003 percent lives
Adam Turl examines the lives of the 10 richest people in the U.S.--and uncovers a rogue's gallery of serial polluters, budget-slashers, CIA contractors, union-busters and right-wing nuts.

Animation: Why Americans Need Health Reform

Has Sotomayor written that states have the power to ban handguns?
Has Sotomayor written that states have the power to ban handguns?

The Hardest Jobs to Fill in America
For the second year in a row, engineer is the hardest job to fill in America. Why are engineers so hard to find? "We have whole generations of people loving liberal arts, not going into science and math," says Larry Jacobson, executive director of the National Society of Professional Engineers

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Case for Working With Your Hands
The television show “Deadliest Catch” depicts commercial crab fishermen in the Bering Sea. Another, “Dirty Jobs,” shows all kinds of grueling work; one episode featured a guy who inseminates turkeys for a living.
Should Employers Be Required To Give Paid Sick Days?
Is paid sick leave unhealthy for small businesses?
Take Action Organizing for America Event Canaveral Groves Health Care Event
Time: Saturday, June 6 from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Host: Jo Shim Contact Phone: 321-636-4493 Location: 4010 Dakota Ave. (Cocoa, FL) Cocoa, FL 32926
Join OFA at Health Care Organizing Events
Real health care reform: It's happening and it's happening now. Find an Organizing for America Health Care Kickoff Event near you:
Make or break time for health reform: Obama
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama stepped up efforts to build public support for a broad revamp of U.S. healthcare on Tuesday, saying the country could no longer afford the soaring costs of the current system that leaves millions without medical coverage
Is Employee Free Choice dead?
THE FIGHT for the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) appears to be stumbling, with Corporate America increasingly confident that it will defeat the most "controversial" parts of the pro-union legislation.
Chinese Company Buying G.M.’s Hummer Brand
General Motors has reached a preliminary agreement for the sale of its Hummer brand of large sport utility vehicles and pickup trucks to a machinery company in western China with ambitions to become a carmaker.
Newspapers want U.S. help, not bailout
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Many U.S. companies consider lobbying the government just another cost of doing business. When newspapers want help from Uncle Sam, the cost could be their reputation
Budget cuts shrink size of summer school
Summer school begins today, but only a small number of students will benefit from the extra help this year tags education,budget
Is Slam in Danger of Going Soft?
CHICAGO — Slam poetry was invited into the White House last month and it is also the focus of the recent HBO documentary series “Brave New Voices.” So you might think that the originator of the poetry slam, a raucous live competition that is more likely to take place in a bar than in a bookstore, would be feeling rather pleased these days.
Is a $9 Flight Too Good to Be True?
How does a $9 flight sound to you? Sounds good to me, too -- and starting July 13 -- when JetAmerica takes off, every one of its flights will have nine seats for $9. Tags,airlines, travel

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hurricane foreclosure
Hurricane foreclosure Does Mother Nature have a sense of black humor or is she just out for some bloody-minded revenge? The Associated Press' Tamara Lush is reporting that "some of the areas most likely to be struck by a hurricane are suffering the most in this recession."

An Overlooked Player in the Anti-Regulatory Movement
Our regular readers are no doubt familiar with the efforts of various industries to protect their particular products from regulation. These industries (and the organizations they fund) often succeed in weakening or delaying regulations intended to protect people from climate change, tobacco, and other hazards.

The Future of Manufacturing, GM, and American Workers (Part III)
As president of General Motors when Eisenhower tapped him to become secretary of defense in 1953, “Engine Charlie” Wilson voiced at his Senate confirmation hearing what was then the conventional view. When asked whether he could make a decision in the interest of the US that was adverse to the interest of GM, he said he could.

Mitt Romney's First Campaign Speech Against Obama
Will it ever end? Probably not. Once again a Republican presidential hopeful is accusing a Democrat of being soft on (what else?) national security

Don't count on stadiums to generate jobs, wealth
So Palm Bay has appointed a committee to explore building a minor-league baseball stadium for $3 million or more.

How Do We Build an Enduring Progressive Voting Majority?
At the America’s Future Now conference, nearly all of us are focused on one Big Picture question: How can we build on the progressive election victories of 2008 so we can make long-lasting change that improves people’s lives?

Reagan Did It
“This bill is the most important legislation for financial institutions in the last 50 years. It provides a long-term solution for troubled thrift institutions. ...
A continuing steep drop in home prices combined with rising unemployment is powering a new wave of foreclosures. Unfortunately, there’s little evidence, so far, that the Obama administration’s anti-foreclosure plan will be able to stop it.

Labor and Government Adjust to Roles as G.M. Owners
For decades, the United Automobile Workers had a simple strategy for getting what it wanted from the carmakers — it would go on strike. The tactic proved so successful that the mere threat of a walkout often won better wages, benefits and job security.

Senators Set to Visit White House to Discuss Health Care Overhaul
WASHINGTON — President Obama will meet with influential Senate Democrats on Tuesday to discuss overhauling health care, as the White House releases a report asserting that revamping the system would increase the income of a typical family of four by $2,600 in 2020, and by $10,000 in 2030.

Draft minutes of Brevard County Commission meeting