Friday, January 23, 2009

News for 23 January 2009

Fla. minimum wage increase stirs debate The minimum wage in Florida rose 42 cents to $7.21 per hour this month, igniting a debate over whether the increased pay will help workers or whether it will hurt the economy because small businesses simply can't afford to pay it. Read more
West Melbourne Freezes Worker's Wages -- Calling the West Melbourne City Council's action "a bad decision" and morale-busting, city employees and former city leaders rebuked a vote by the council to freeze wages without reviewing budget data Read more
This Miracle Brought to You by America's Unions. They're calling it a miracle--the successful landing of a US Airways jet in the Hudson and subsequent rescue of all 155 passengers. They're detailing the heroism of all involved, starting with the pilot and including cabin crew, ferry crews, and first responders. What they're not telling you is that just about every single one of these heros is a union member. Read more
Is Obama relying too much on tax cuts?I don’t know yet. But news reports this morning certainly raise questions. Let’s lay out the basics here. Other things equal, public investment is a much better way to provide economic stimulus than tax cuts, for two reasons Read more

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