Monday, December 29, 2008

News Monday 29 December 2008

UFW: The Official Web Page of the United Farm Workers of America

Food products carrying the Union Label
Farm workers under UFW contract enjoy decent wages, benefits & working conditions. When you purchase agricultural products, please help farm workers maintain hard won victories in the fields by looking for these labels: Read more

Burdens That All Should Share
In hard times like these, a president's most reliable compass is a commitment to shared sacrifice. Barack Obama prominently embraced that idea during his recent appearance on "Meet the Press." The "notion of shared benefits and burdens is something that I think has been lost for too long," the president-elect insisted, "and it's something that I'd like to see restored." Read more

Union label

The quarterly Newsletter of the Union Label Department of the AFL-CIO

Veterans fundraising event canceled
How bad is Brevard County's economy? A nonprofit group that finds housing for struggling veterans had to cancel its only public fundraiser. Read more

The Personal Politics of Hopelessness
As I write this I'm eating a sub I bought from across the street. While it was being prepared I chatted with the young woman making it, and she told me about moving from the Canadian Maritimes to Toronto, to, in essence, get a job that pays a little more than minimum wage. Because out in the Maritimes she had trouble getting even that. Read more


Sometimes You just gather a bunch of stories and there seems to be no Preason to their selection. Today was one of those days, yet I seemed to have a theme. Maybe the order is wrong, but still a message to me. What is our shared burden? Do we as organizations and individuals share the burden of the homeless vet. They did their share to defend our country. Is it our turn?

We can end the politics of hopelessness by supporting the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Not only do unions build wage, they provide dignity and respect for the workers.

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