Monday, December 22, 2008

News 22 December 2008

USA Today vs EPA on Schoolyard Air
 Recently, USA Today published a series of alarming articles about air pollution near schools. It plotted school locations against results from an EPA model, and found that 435 were likely to have dangerous levels of pollution; then, it took air samples near 95 schools and found elevated levels of toxic chemicals outside 64 of them. Read more...
Madoff talked softly, wrote big DC checks:
Bernard Madoff, Wall Street's alleged Ponzi king, made political donations to Washington types which evidently bought him some access in here. Read more....
Sands' losses could be in the millions
House Democratic Leader Franklin Sands, D-Weston, reported his net worth last year at $7.3 million, most of it in cash investments that now could be wiped away by the alleged Ponzi scheme of Bernard Madoff. Read more...
Tis a sad day when the sharks start feeding on each other, Oh I apologize to sharks for that last remark!
Property Developers Request Bailout:
Some of the biggest U.S. property developers are asking for government money in the face of $160 billion in maturing commercial mortgages next year, the Wall Street Journal reported Monday. Read more
Help! The sharks are feeding on us! Maybe it's time to get out of the waters! They sure wish that a gopher turtle or scrub blue jay would go to Congress for them

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