Saturday, December 13, 2008

News 13 Dec 2008

Is Senate GOP trying to break union?
There's a lot of suspicion in Washington and throughout the nation that Senate Republicans who thwarted the auto bailout last night were operating from a range of motives, including a desire for payback against the United Auto Workers, Read more....

Administration changes to farm worker hiring afoot
WASHINGTON (AP) — As it prepares to leave office, the Bush administration is moving to make it easier for U.S. farming companies to hire foreign field workers, which farmworker groups say will worsen wages and working conditions. Read more....

Take Action: Ask President-Elect Obama not to let the outgoing Bush Admin Steal Farm Worker Protections

NASA's Griffin and Obama team square off
CAPE CANAVERAL - NASA Administrator Mike Griffin is not cooperating with President-elect Barack Obama's transition team, is obstructing its efforts to get get information and has told its leader that she is "not qualified" to judge his rocket program, the Orlando Sentinel has learned. Read more...

Health care town hall meeting
President-elect Obama has made it clear that health care reform is one of his top priorities. That's why the Obama-Biden Transition is asking people to give their own thoughts and ideas for how to fix the system at Health Care Community Discussions all across the country.
Melbourne Public Library Meeting Room
530 Fee Avenue Melbourne, FL
Monday, December 29^th , 20087:00 PM
For further information please call my office.321-674-9220

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