Monday, January 26, 2009

News 26 January 2009

The New Team -President Barack Obama has now filled nearly all of the major posts in his new administration. Below are profiles of some of the key members of his new team. White House staff will take up their duties on Jan. 20. The 15 Cabinet members and four other Cabinet-level officials (the U.N. ambassador, E.P.A. administrator, budget chief and trade representative) remain subject to Senate confirmation. Read more..
How You and I Are Paying Wall Street to Lobby Congress to Go Easy on Wall Street The new administration and Congress are busy preparing the second tranche of bailout money for Wall Street -- TARP II -- at the same time they're developing a new set of regulations to make sure Wall Street doesn't get into this kind of mess again. But will the old politics intrude? Read more..
Republicans Are Resistant to Obama’s Stimulus Plan Republicans plan to test President Barack Obama’s commitment to bipartisanship as his $825 billion stimulus package heads to the floor of the House of Representatives this week, with the House Republican leader saying Sunday morning that many in his party will vote no unless there are significant changes to the plan. Read more..
Can Florida raise cig tax before Congress does?Seems like just last week, taxing smokers was an idea that was widely shunned in Tallahassee.But that was then.Read more..
Will it work?Even if Democrats succeed in enacting an economic stimulus by mid-February, it would be months — or even years — before we’ll know if the plan is actually boosting the fragile economy. Read more..
Anti-Union Corporate Front Groups Promote Distorted "Save Our Secret Ballots" Initiative Campaigns Read more..

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