Friday, October 15, 2010

YouTube - Sidestep - Charles Durning - 

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.mp4

Dedicated to all the "public servants" fixin to be feeding
 from the trough coming next year

Bad Rap? Health Care Law Blamed 

for Sale of Catholic Hospitals |

Republicans are claiming the new health care law is a “main reason”
 for the sale of three Catholic hospitals in Pennsylvania.
And a conservative Catholic group is running a radio ad saying it is "the" reason.
But the hospitals’ CEO says his words are being twisted
 and the new law isn’t the “precipitating factor” behind the sale

$200M construction project to begin at Patrick Air Force Base


The Department of Defense will spend nearly $200 million next year
to build a new headquarters for the Patrick Air Force Base surveillance organization
 that tracks nuclear-weapon detonation and testing worldwide.

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Beck Shills for Chamber

The Chamber, for its part, doesn’t have much respect or use for workers, either.
 It’s spending $75 million to promote candidates who oppose new rules to 
discourage U.S. firms from shipping jobs overseas, want to repeal the minimum wage
 and weaken workplace safety and collective bargaining laws rules. That’s just the short list.

Senate report says caps may be needed on local sales taxes |

 The Florida Tribune

A new Senate report says that state lawmakers may want to make changes
 to Florida’s tax laws in order to keep cities and counties from raising sales taxes higher.
Florida has a six percent sales tax, but local governments are authorized to charge
 additional taxes for a wide variety of items, including for health care, roads and schools.
 Most of these local taxes require voter approval.

Cat People Are People Too -

I only have the one and she’s a rescue so it’s O.K.
So goes the party line regarding my cat. Five years ago,
 her pregnant mother was abandoned and locked in a warehouse
 in North Carolina where she gave birth to a small litter of kittens.
 For days, the kittens survived without food or water before being discovered
 by a friend who knew exactly where the pictures should be sent.
By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws 
peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet

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