Monday, October 11, 2010

The dogs are sending secret messages

Opinion: Barack Obama: Irish-American dream - Stephen MacDonogh -

Barack Obama wrote “Dreams of My Father,”
 not “Dreams of My Mother.” It could be viewed as a strange choice
: Barack Obama Sr. played scarcely any role in his son’s life,
 leaving the future president to be raised by his mother and
 maternal grandparents. For a man that former House Speaker
 Newt Gingrich accuses of “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior,”
 Obama’s actual upbringing was surprisingly American.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Tax Cuts for the Middle Class Are Good; Tax Cuts for the Rich Are Bad

The Obama administration has proposed letting the Bush tax cuts
 expire  for those making over $250,000  but extending them for those
 making under that amount. Conservatives in Congress are up in arms
  about this since keeping the tax cuts for the rich  is practically
 a sacred cause in their eyes.

Op-Ed Contributor - Hey, Small Spender -

Here’s the narrative you hear everywhere: President Obama has presided
 over  a huge expansion of government, but unemployment
 has remained high. And this proves that
 government spending can’t create jobs

In a 20-year reversal, Florida police union endorses

 a Democrat for governor

 - St. Petersburg Times

TAMPA — In a series of campaign ads released this week, three Tampa
 police officers  voice their support for Alex Sink. It's the first time in 20 years 
that Florida's police union  has endorsed a Democrat for governor

t r u t h o u t | Fed Nominee Whom Senator Shelby Deemed 

Too Unqualified

 to Confirm Wins Nobel Prize

Earlier today, Federal Reserve Board nominee Peter Diamond won
 the Nobel Prize  in Economics  along with two of his colleagues.
 Yet, despite the fact that President Obama nominated this
  Nobel laureate  to the Fed nearly six months ago,
  his nomination is currently being blocked by just one senator

Robert Reich: Why Democrats Should Not Join

 in Economic Scapegoating

Deep economic crises are fodder for demagogues who channel economic fear
 into a politics of resentment against "them." In the 1930s it was foreign
 traders  (mainly Europeans), immigrants, and Jews. Now it's foreign traders
 (mainly the Chinese), immigrants, and Muslims.

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