Friday, October 8, 2010

SCWN 9 Oct 2010

Casting Call for West Virginia GOP Ad Called for "Hicky" Actors - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

A casting call for a Republican West Virginia campaign ad
 called for actors with a "'Hicky' Blue Collar look."
The ad "Stop Obama," produced for the
 National Republican Senatorial Committee,
 features three men in plain clothes
 and trucker hats sitting at a diner,
complaining about President Obama
and West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin

We recommend | | FLORIDA TODAY

We strongly recommend Sink to guide the state
 through enormous challenges ahead,
 including putting Floridians back to work and protecting key services.

Rubio Alone in Rail Opposition,
 Citing National Debt |

TALLAHASSEE | The candidates for U.S. Senate disagreed
 in a debate Wednesday evening  over whether Florida should build
 a long-proposed bullet train connecting Tampa and Orlando,
 with a stop in Polk County, and eventually running to Miami
 as the state awaits a decision  on another
$1.12 billion request for the project.

New survey says that Floridians willing to raise taxes

 | The Florida Tribune

The Pew Center on the States and Public Policy Institute of California
 released a 92-page report  that shows 70 percent of those surveyed
 in Florida  are willing to raise taxes to keep K-12 education funding
 at its current level, while 54 percent said they would raise taxes
 to keep health and human services funding  at its current level.
But the study also shows that prisons and transportation
 are the two areas Floridians  are least willing to raise taxes for.
 For example, only 25 percent said they were willing to pay higher taxes
 to keep transportation funding at current levels. Meek rejects Sierra Club endorsement

 with Crist in Senate race

"I cannot in good conscience accept an endorsement from an organization
 that would stand with a governor who has consistently put
 developers, oil companies and the special interests first," Meek said.

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