Monday, October 18, 2010

Lo Mein Cat Sharkey RIP true democat

YouTube - Dropkick Murphys - Amazing Grace (Good Quality Studio) 

Robert Creamer: Two Weeks Out -- Nine Reasons

 Why Democrats Will Keep Control of the House

reason_b_766012.html?ut...With two weeks to go in the 2010 mid-term elections there are  a number of good reasons to believe -- contrary to most conventional wisdom -- that Democrats will still control the House once the smoke clears  from the electoral battlefield

 (Oct. 17) | | FLORIDA TODAY

FLORIDA TODAY’s editorial board has been offering its 
recommendations the past two weeks
 on the candidates we believe would best serve Brevard County.

Vote Early for Kendrick! | Kendrick Meek

Early voting begins 15 days before an election and ends on
 the 2nd day before an election. Supervisors of Elections
designate early voting sites, listed below. Early voting will be offered
in the main or branch office of the  Supervisor of Elections.
 They may also designate any city hall or public library
 as an early voting site. Voters who want to vote early should present 
the following at the early voting site

Florida Tea Party Favorite Spoke To, Defended

 Criminal Biker Gang (VIDEO) | TPMDC

West has been a fan and defender of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club,
 a national group  targeted by the FBI for involvement in racketeering
, "violent crimes" and "attempted murder."

YouTube - Green Grass and High Tides

The Associated Press: Luxury sales rebound

 to pre-crisis levels

MILAN (AP) — The luxury sector is rebounding better-than-expected
 this year thanks  in large part to wealthy Americans replenishing
 their wardrobes after a year of self-denial  and nouveau riche Chinese
 indulging in a worldwide spending spree, 
according to a new study released Monday.

Friday, October 15, 2010

YouTube - Sidestep - Charles Durning - 

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas.mp4

Dedicated to all the "public servants" fixin to be feeding
 from the trough coming next year

Bad Rap? Health Care Law Blamed 

for Sale of Catholic Hospitals |

Republicans are claiming the new health care law is a “main reason”
 for the sale of three Catholic hospitals in Pennsylvania.
And a conservative Catholic group is running a radio ad saying it is "the" reason.
But the hospitals’ CEO says his words are being twisted
 and the new law isn’t the “precipitating factor” behind the sale

$200M construction project to begin at Patrick Air Force Base


The Department of Defense will spend nearly $200 million next year
to build a new headquarters for the Patrick Air Force Base surveillance organization
 that tracks nuclear-weapon detonation and testing worldwide.

AFL-CIO NOW BLOG | Beck Shills for Chamber

The Chamber, for its part, doesn’t have much respect or use for workers, either.
 It’s spending $75 million to promote candidates who oppose new rules to 
discourage U.S. firms from shipping jobs overseas, want to repeal the minimum wage
 and weaken workplace safety and collective bargaining laws rules. That’s just the short list.

Senate report says caps may be needed on local sales taxes |

 The Florida Tribune

A new Senate report says that state lawmakers may want to make changes
 to Florida’s tax laws in order to keep cities and counties from raising sales taxes higher.
Florida has a six percent sales tax, but local governments are authorized to charge
 additional taxes for a wide variety of items, including for health care, roads and schools.
 Most of these local taxes require voter approval.

Cat People Are People Too -

I only have the one and she’s a rescue so it’s O.K.
So goes the party line regarding my cat. Five years ago,
 her pregnant mother was abandoned and locked in a warehouse
 in North Carolina where she gave birth to a small litter of kittens.
 For days, the kittens survived without food or water before being discovered
 by a friend who knew exactly where the pictures should be sent.
By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws 
peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What my mine rescue insurance was a payroll deduction!

Pacific Tomato strikes deal with Coalition of Immokalee Workers

| The Packer

Pacific Tomato Growers Ltd. has signed an agreement with
 the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and is calling on the
 industry  to improve farmworker pay and working conditions
 Pacific Tomato Growers  is part of the Sunripe-brand

Trapped Chilean miners won't get paid

 while they're buried alive |Mail Online

The 33 trapped Chilean miners may not receive any wages
 while they are trapped underground, a union official has
 claimed.Evelyn Olmos says that San Esteban, the company
that operates the mine, has said it has no money to pay
 for wages and absorb lawsuits, and is not even 
participating in the rescue

> Photos, Video: Meek stumps for firefighters’ vote –

 Central Florida Political Pulse l

Rep. Kendrick Meek, the democratic Senate nominee,
 shared an early-morning cup of coffee with firefighters
 in the kitchen at Orlando Fire Department Station One
 and then toured the facility in downtown Orlando, Wednesday

Deportations From U.S. Hit a Record High -

Immigration authorities deported a record 392,862 immigrants
 over the last year, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano 
said Wednesday. About half of those deported — 195,772 —
 were convicted criminals, also a record, Ms. Napolitano said,
 and an increase of more than 81,000 deportations of criminals
 over the final year of George W. Bush’s presidency

Monday, October 11, 2010

The dogs are sending secret messages

Opinion: Barack Obama: Irish-American dream - Stephen MacDonogh -

Barack Obama wrote “Dreams of My Father,”
 not “Dreams of My Mother.” It could be viewed as a strange choice
: Barack Obama Sr. played scarcely any role in his son’s life,
 leaving the future president to be raised by his mother and
 maternal grandparents. For a man that former House Speaker
 Newt Gingrich accuses of “Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior,”
 Obama’s actual upbringing was surprisingly American.

Public Opinion Snapshot: Tax Cuts for the Middle Class Are Good; Tax Cuts for the Rich Are Bad

The Obama administration has proposed letting the Bush tax cuts
 expire  for those making over $250,000  but extending them for those
 making under that amount. Conservatives in Congress are up in arms
  about this since keeping the tax cuts for the rich  is practically
 a sacred cause in their eyes.

Op-Ed Contributor - Hey, Small Spender -

Here’s the narrative you hear everywhere: President Obama has presided
 over  a huge expansion of government, but unemployment
 has remained high. And this proves that
 government spending can’t create jobs

In a 20-year reversal, Florida police union endorses

 a Democrat for governor

 - St. Petersburg Times

TAMPA — In a series of campaign ads released this week, three Tampa
 police officers  voice their support for Alex Sink. It's the first time in 20 years 
that Florida's police union  has endorsed a Democrat for governor

t r u t h o u t | Fed Nominee Whom Senator Shelby Deemed 

Too Unqualified

 to Confirm Wins Nobel Prize

Earlier today, Federal Reserve Board nominee Peter Diamond won
 the Nobel Prize  in Economics  along with two of his colleagues.
 Yet, despite the fact that President Obama nominated this
  Nobel laureate  to the Fed nearly six months ago,
  his nomination is currently being blocked by just one senator

Robert Reich: Why Democrats Should Not Join

 in Economic Scapegoating

Deep economic crises are fodder for demagogues who channel economic fear
 into a politics of resentment against "them." In the 1930s it was foreign
 traders  (mainly Europeans), immigrants, and Jews. Now it's foreign traders
 (mainly the Chinese), immigrants, and Muslims.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Black 47 :: James Connolly

Boycott Del Monte

Op-Ed Columnist - The End of the Tunnel -

The Erie Canal. Hoover Dam. The Interstate Highway System. Visionary public projects
 are part of the American tradition, and have been a major driver of our economic development

Europeans Rage at Austerity Measures While US Citizens Sit and Wait |

Americans are sitting and waiting for economic changes as Europe sizzles with rage 
over government austerity measures, with populations angered that they have to pay for others’ mistakes.

School officials spread word on tax | | FLORIDA TODAY

Brevard County School Board Chairwoman Amy
Kneessy walked into Surfside Elementary in Satellite Beach this week, ready to lobby potential voters
 on behalf of continuing a "critical-needs" school property tax. She wasn't sure how the audience would react,
but Kneessy said her message that the cash-strapped school district needs the tax, 
which generates about $9.4 million a year, seemed to resonate.

In a 20-year reversal, Florida police union endorses a Democrat for governor

 - St. Petersburg Times

TAMPA — In a series of campaign ads released this week, three Tampa police officers voice
 their support for Alex Sink. It's the first time in 20 years that
 Florida's police union has endorsed a Democrat for governor

Economic Crisis Batters Spain’s Socialists and Unions -

MADRID — With 20 percent unemployment and a series of unpopular new austerity measures,
 Spain would seem a natural breeding ground for labor unrest. But by most accounts, 
a general strike late last month was more a demonstration of discontent than a sign of trouble brewing.

Op-Ed Columnist - Facebook Politicians Are Not Your Friends -

“THE Social Network,” you’re understandably sick of hearing, is a brilliant movie
 about the Harvard upstart Mark Zuckerberg and the messy birth of his fabulous start-up
, Facebook, circa 2004. From the noisy debate over its harsh portrait of Zuckerberg, 
you’d think it’s a documentary