Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Take Action: Tell Bailed-Out Bank to Save Jobs at Hartmarx
Workers at Hart Shaffner Marx (Hartmarx) have made high quality suits for over 100 years, boasting loyal customers like Barack Obama
.A new era for investigating industrial accidents?
You probably have never heard of the Chemical Safety Board (unless you are a specialist in that area — or you read The Pump Handle!). The CSB is an independent government agency that has a pretty low profile. Its mission, as its name implies, is to investigate industrial chemical accidents.
The Health Care Cave-In
Don't make the perfect the enemy of the better" is a favorite slogan in Washington because compromise is necessary to get anything done. But the way things are going with health care, a better admonition would be: "Don't give away the store."
North Carolina's Blue Cross Blue Shield Trying to Kill Key Plank of Obama Plan - Health-Care Reform 2009 -
One week after the nation's health insurance lobby pledged to President Obama to do what it can to constrain rising health costs, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina is putting the finishing touches on a public message campaign aimed at killing a key plank in Obama's reform platform
Steele decides against District 31 run; Local GOP slams Crist endorsement
A good circus is underway in the tent that is the Brevard County Republican Party.
Local (Bentonville ARK, Heart of Wally World) democrats examine card-check law
BENTONVILLE - Amy Niehouse, a member of the AFLCIO's Organizing Institute and an organizer trainer, discussed a proposed federal law, the Employee Free Choice Act, which would allow workers to gain union representation if more than half of a group of employees sign union cards.
Credit card backlash bill comes due in Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A bill to curb sharp practices in the credit card business was on track for approval by the U.S. Senate as early as Tuesday, with President Barack Obama expected to sign it into law before the end of the month.
Painters’ Corporate-Style Annual Reports Keep Union Growing
Over the past four years, Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) President James Williams has taken a page from the playbook of employers and the way they do business. Each year, his staff produces an annual report for the international union and for each of the 34 IUPAT district councils in the United States and Canada that looks like a corporate balance sheet.
Northeast trails Calif., Midwest in race for federal rail funds
WASHINGTON - As the Obama administration prepares to hand out $8 billion in seed money for a national network of fast trains, New England finds itself competing against states and regions that have put far more time and money into planning

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